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what's wrong with visitherm heater?


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I've heard a couple people, including myself, have had problems with them cracking. I came home one day to find my fish pinned against the wall and the shrimp not moving. I was ready to do a water change, and I opened the top to hear the heater sizzling. Tough little buggers pulled through about 5 hours of electroshock. They warrantied it without any questions, but they won't do anything if it kills your tank. When I told her what happened she didn't sound surprised, and just said she would mail a new one immediately. Needless to say its not in my nano, but I use it in my bucket for water changes.

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I have used tronic heaters for i a long time and they last forever. I have one that has been used in at least 3 tanks and had run without any water for almost a week and it still works perfect.

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The minimum water level line in the 50w is about 4.5 in. from the bottom and the whole unit is about 7 in. I think it should ok in the AC500 but i would check with the size of the visitherm.

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I'm a newbie, so my advice is always suspect, but...


I have never heard anything bad about Ebo-Jager heaters, ever. They seem to be unanimously the best ones, and they seem to cost the same amount as Visitherm (quick web search).

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i've been using 50w visi-therms on my mantis tank and on my nano-cube both without incident. i use a 100w ebojager in my 18g via aqua... i think it just depends on what's available at the time :)

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I have always used visitherms and I really like them. Moreover I broke one once (my fault) and sent it in for repair. The replaced it with a brand new one, no questions asked!!!

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I've had a couple of Visi-therms fail on and bring the tank to over 90°. My last one was only 4 months old. I've switched over to the Ebo Jager now and will never go back.

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