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nanos and microwaves?


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We switched our dorm room around after winter break and now i don't have room on top of my desk for my nano... the only spot it will really fit is next to my desk on it's own little stand, but that would also put it right next to the microwave and tv. the microwave isn't facing it, but i'm still a little bit worried that it could hurt my inhabitants some how. I know some of you keep your nanos in your kitchen... do you think i have to worry about the microwave?

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I wouldn't worry about the microwaves too much; they are designed not to leak - think of all the lawsuits if they did...


And even if a little did leak out, the glass and first centimeter of water would absorb everything before your little fishes would be exposed.


Now the x-rays coming from the tv.... thats another story...

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little radiation never hurt anybody... seriously though newer microwaves are pretty shielded but if you really want to check it borrow a really small flourescent light bulb. Turn out your lights, turn on the microwave, and wave the tube all around the microwave. If it starts to glow you may want to invest in a lead vest :P

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IMO it should not be a problem, yes microwave ovens do radiate a small amount of microwaves , they have a max limit set by the fda:


"All microwave ovens made after October 1971 are covered by a radiation safety standard enforced by the FDA. The standard limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven throughout its lifetime. The limit is 5 milliwatts of microwave radiation per square centimeter at approximately 2 inches from the oven surface. This is far below the level known to harm people. Furthermore, as you move away from an oven, the level of any leaking microwave radiation that might be reaching you decreases dramatically. For example, someone standing 20 inches from an oven would receive approximately one one-hundredth of the amount of microwaves received at 2 inches."


and water should AFAIK absorb most of the radiation like cseeton said...

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ok, thanks for the responses, i guess i won't worry about it. right now the tank is on my desk only a few inches from my computer, but nearly in the same spot it would be once i put it on a stand.... I'm more worried about my labtop getting saltwater spilt on it right now.


thanks again!

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10" Red Devil

Sorry, not to be a naysayer, but I would think the microwave would emit quite a lot of heat. Not to mention the noise from opening and closing the microwave on a constant basis might be stressful towards the inhabitants. Just my 2 cents.

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Microwaves are short radiowaves. Still a lot longer and have less energy than infrared (a.k.a. heat) radiation. So I wouldn't think they would hurt anything.

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The tanks in a dorm room, so it's going to see alot of activity no matter where i put it, right now my only choices are next to the microwave/fridge/tv (they're all stacked on on eachother) or next to the door... which i thought would be a bad idea...

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plus i don't think my roomate would be keen on giving up the microwave for my tank. I'm lucky she doesn't care about my turtle tank that takes up the whole dresser top, and the reef.

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