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Coral Vue Hydros

new 7gallon bowfront


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just started this tank 6days ago!

still cycling!

4lbs of Fiji

3lbs of Tonga

8lbs of LS

32w CSL Smartlite (10,000K Premium Daylight and Ultra Actinic lamps)

tronic 50watt

aquaclear 300 (refugium) or soon to be just starting out

Aquaclear surface skimmer


SG 1.024


ammonia 2

nitrite 5

ph 8.2


and now the pictures! :P




hair algae? as i was told..



1st Aquascape


Final Aquascape


i chose to stay w/ the final b/c of filter coverage and more swimming space for the fishy in the future :)


suggestions are welcomed and appreciated!

this is my first reef tank

otherwise i house an Arowana (Jardini 20") in a 75gal freshwater.

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Very nice. I love your aquascaping! Good job!


You might want to add a small MicroJet for increased water circulation when you add your first corals.

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wow ! you responded in a nano second! :P


thank you.


i've been thinking about adding one but i was afraid of too much current.


ah! the more i look at it the more i want to change back to the 1st aquascape X)

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actually, yes. the 1st aquascape is a tad nicer. I like the little shallow portion on the right. It looks great and would be the perfect spot for mushrooms and zoos.


I am not a big fan of "pile em up in the back" aquascaping. It just doesn't look natural - more is not always better. Your aquascaping is nice, because it has some open spots and the layering will gives you perfect conditions for almost every coral.

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i just rescaped again

im taking fishy610's advise for more rock space for the corals in the future. good plan! :) thanks!

ill take pics again soon!

oh yea i got 2 scarlet hermits in there or red legged hermits? although one is slightly different in size and color. the bigger one has a white strip on each leg while the other doesnt. i'll try to catch them on a kodak moment.

water paremeters are getting better. and i needed something to clean up the massive algae that came with the rock.

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Glad I could help.


One more tip: Drop some bigger empty hermit shells in the tank that your hermit can change their house, as they get bigger. If they don't find a suitable house, they will most likely have on of your bigger snails for breakfast, start a gladiator fight about each other's shells or... die.


You'd be surprised how fast they grow. I dropped a few shells a few weeks ago and within 5mins(!) my biggest hermit found it and eagerly moved into his new house. It is really neat to watch.


That's actually the best thing about a saltwater tank. There is always something to watch and obeserve. I still have a freshwater tank and, quite frankly, it is very boring to watch "Tank TV" on a FW. ;)

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yah the LFS, well not really local but they gave me 3 extra shells. its a good thing i brought up about hermits killing each other in a small tank!


oh yah just wondering about moonlights...how do i go about making one?

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Nah, they're just reef hermits. I have 2 in my tank and they're visibly different from scarlets and blue legs.


I don't know the porper name though, sorry.

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g0tfish yea its got these hairy little dots on its legs


i should go back that store maybe he'll give me some other unique creatures.. :D



is saltwaterfish.com a reliable site?

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Originally posted by rYdar

is saltwaterfish.com a reliable site?


depends on who you talk to. some will say yes some will say no. its like 50/50 when it comes to customer service and recieving right stuff whith that site. 50% are satisfied 50% are not.


anways those look more like strawberry hermits. I have never seen a scarlet that looked like that.

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Originally posted by rYdar

g0tfish yea its got these hairy little dots on its legs


i should go back that store maybe he'll give me some other unique creatures.. :D



is saltwaterfish.com a reliable site?


I've used them for years with no issues.

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hm ok ill order something from them and see how they do

i looked up strawberry hermit


it doesnt have the blue and orange eyes

even if it is its a meat eater


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i have these spider web like things all over the tank! all over!

is it because i added some sand to my refugium from my LFS?


btw can nassarius snails orsnails in general climb out of your tank?


my 2 nassarius are missing.......

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Nassarius snails tend to bury themselves in the sand. So that's probably why you haven't seen two. They sometimes climb up the glass, but most tanks have a little rim on the inside. Besides, even if the snail gets above water level, it'll probably go back into the water before it dries out.

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ah ok thanks!

i just spotted one they're hiding from the light probably due to the new tank environment. Well my ammonia is gone nitrite is almost gone! but algae has already boomed! are my tests incorrect? or are the algeas having a head start?

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omg i woke up this morning and .......

wait first of all do hermits molt? b/c if they don't, i don't have a clue what happened this morning. it looked like the hermit completely died, but i looked around some more after i took out the dead CORPSE and my unknown hermit is still alive moving around in its shell in the back...


my camera is acting up so i can't upload the picture but yah....what happened hahaha..



water parameters


SG 1.024

temp 79.2F

ammonia 0

PH 8.2

Nitrate 40 ppm

Nitrite 5.0ppm

should i do a water change? is my nitrite test kit giving incorrect results? algae has already bloomed quite a lot!...

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Originally posted by rYdar

omg i woke up this morning and .......

wait first of all do hermits molt? b/c if they don't, i don't have a clue what happened this morning. it looked like the hermit completely died, but i looked around some more after i took out the dead CORPSE and my unknown hermit is still alive moving around in its shell in the back...


my camera is acting up so i can't upload the picture but yah....what happened hahaha..



water parameters


SG 1.024

temp 79.2F

ammonia 0

PH 8.2

Nitrate 40 ppm

Nitrite 5.0ppm

should i do a water change? is my nitrite test kit giving incorrect results? algae has already bloomed quite a lot!...


yes hermits molt


I would do a w/c just to try and remove those nitrites.

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oh i need opinions! on... this!


future livestock / inverts.


currently: 2 nassarius, 2 hermits



1 snail

1 hermit

1 porcelain crab

1 peppermint shrimp or cleaner

1 percula


will this combo start a boxing league?

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