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Problem with 20" Coralife Aqualight Deluxe Series - Single 96 watt Quad


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I purchased the 20" Coralife Aqualight Deluxe Series - Single Linear Strip with 96 watt 50/50 at that pet place over the weekend.


However after I got it home I have come to discover that the light does not fit on top of my 10 gallon tank perfectly. The light has a lip at each end and it appears that this lip shod go on the outside edge of the top-sides of the tank. However the light is just a quarter of and inch to small and therfore it does not dit flush on top of the 10 gallon tank.


I know it might not be a huge issue but when you spend over 100 dollars things should fit and work.



Has anybody else had this issue and what can I do about it? Is it normal or should I return the light and get a new one or a different brand?

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Hi jasno999.



Did you purchase the adjustable legs that mount the light fixture about 2 in. off the top of the tank? If so the adjustable legs should allow you to fix your problem.

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No I did not purchase the extra mounting legs. I saw no reason to purchase them. I wanted the fixture to sit directly on the tank and be as close to the water as possiable. Moutning it above the tank makes more air space and it also cause the light to brighen the room. I want the majority of the light in the tank.


Plus I see no reaon why this fixtrure should not or will not fit directly on the 10 gallon tank without an issue. But for some reason I am gettign this issue where it does not fit.


If I loosen the screws on the side plates of the fixture and then force the figture on by pressing in on the sides of the tank it will fit but as soon as I let go one side or the other pops back out of place. It is like the fixture is just a little too small or the tank and its trim is just a little too big. But the tank is jsut liek all the other 10 gallon tanks out there and you would htink the fixture would give you a little bit of room to play. But it does not.


What shoudl I do.

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The legs are less than ten dollars. Whats the problem? The peace of mind that ten dollars can supply by preventing that thing from possibly falling in the tank is money well spent.

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I have a 21 inch 65 watt dual pc coralife light on top of my 20 gallon long reef. The tank is 30 inches long. I use 2 metal bars that have a arch like this ^ to hold my light up, for a year and a half i had it like this. I use duck tape to cover the metal bars so that the salt wont eat away at the bars to fast. I think the bars im using are steel. Not sure though. I dont have the coralife mounting legs.

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I use the legs on mine. It realy helps keep the water temp constant. I agree they should include them with the light but after spending $_00.00 (dollar amount masked in case wife sees this post) on my tank, $7.00 is't that big of a deal.


I use a longer coralife light on my 29g. With the light 2in above the top it doesn't seem to loose too much light going into the tank.

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Well I beleive when you spend a lot of money for a quality light it should fit your tank. I do not want to purchase mounting legs and I do not want the fixture to sit 2 inches or more above the top of the tank. I purchased a folding class canopy that covers 2/3 of the tank top and I put the light over that. It should help prevent water corrosion and splashing as well as prevent heat build up tpo some small degree.


I do nto like whne the light sits off the tank cause then it also lights the room and you see it when in the room. It becomes distractign when trying to watch TV.


So what other options do I have? With the orbit or sattilite fixtures fit the top of my tank propperly? Should I cut out a piec of the tank rim so I can fit the fixture or will that ruin the integrity of the tank?

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i would:

A) buy the legs

B) get rid of the glass top

C) realize that when you buy the legs and get rid of the glass top you won't have as big a problem with the reflection of the light off the glass.

D) understand that the glass top diffuses a lot of the light you just spent "a lot of money" on...


you shouldn't have any problems with "water corrosion" or "splashing" and your tank will have do a better job at "preventing heat buildup" with an open top rather than with the glass cover. probably every AGA (all glass aquarium) owner on the site runs an open top tank if they have any 20" fixture.


just my opinion on what you should try. hth!!

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Originally posted by jasno999

I do nto like whne the light sits off the tank cause then it also lights the room and you see it when in the room.  It becomes distractign when trying to watch TV.


and the problem with watching yoru tank instead of the tv iiisssss? seriously your brain will love you for watching that tank instead of the tv. that tank is more stimulating than any tv you watch. better yet get rid of the tv and keep the tank as the tv :teehee: :D

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Originally posted by Kool-cat

I have a 21 inch 65 watt dual pc coralife light on top of my 20 gallon long reef. The tank is 30 inches long. I use 2 metal bars that have a arch like this ^  to hold my light up, for a year and a half i had it like this. I use duck tape to cover the metal bars so that the salt wont eat away at the bars to fast. I think the bars im using are steel. Not sure though. I dont have the coralife mounting legs.


its called angled steel and stealing it from work doesnt count since that steel would cost more than a couple plastic legs :D

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So what mountign legs should I get???


There are onees that mount at the corners of the fizture and then it sits on the top lip of the tank. Or they sell one that looks like it attaches to the back of the fixture somehow and then to the back side of hte tank. It then holds it gfrom two legs on the back of the tank over the tank. Which should I get?

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can you get a link to the legs you're talking about(the ones that hold the fixture to the back of the tank)?....i've never heard or seen anything like that for the coralife fixtures.


gotsalt- i would recommend going open top but use the coralife legs if you can.

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