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hitchhiker hard corals?


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I have three colonies of very, very tiny polyps growing on one of my pieces of LR (I'm not sure where it's from :() They are way too small for me to get a picture, so I'm going to do my best to describe them:

  • the area of the rock that they grow out of is lavender
  • the polyps are closely spaced
  • they are 1-2mm wide
  • they have brown tentacles
  • they have a center that is a very pale blue with just a tinge of green
  • when disturbed, they retract all the way into the rock

I keep "thinking massive Aiptasia infestation"? But these are definite colonies, in specific places on the rock, and I am absolutely certain that they retract into the rock (which they only do once I have convinced myself to a certainty that they are Aiptasia;))


So, can anyone tell me what I've got, if they're dangerous, and (if not) whether they're going to live and how to care for them?



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It sounds like aptasia to me, dude... Possibly hydroids, also... If it is a coral colony and you're not done cycling, then you have a very good chance of losing it. We really can't make a good ID w/out pictures, bro...

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There are three colonies, all on the same rock. Two of them are maybe 1 1/2" apart. The third is about 4-5" further down the rock. The polyps themselves are spaced no more than 1 mm apart, with their tentacles touching. I just did some more research and saw that Aiptasia can live in colonies, but these guys really do contract entirely into the rock. I swear! I know, no help w/o pics. Darn, I wish I could take close ups...

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There's a colony of about 9 polyps in top left and another one with 3 at the bottom right. I have a feeling I'm going to get hit with a lot of "yup, definitely Aiptasia responses" :(




But I'm finding them fascinating :nerd:

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just kiding. That picture is really too out of focus to make a positive ID. Do you think you can get a better picture? Try putting the camera on a tripod, if you don't have one use a chair or a pile of boxes, something to steady the camera while shooting.



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Well, I let my 4 year old take this one, so that it could be as fuzzy as possible :) Seriously, though, it was the best I could do - these things are tiny :( I figured I post it and hope for the best...

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Originally posted by TJ_Burton

A certain species of Galaxia coral

Hey! I found one picture of a Galaxia that looked a little like them - thanks! I'll definitely grow them out and see what happens...

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