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fish finally hosts


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Hello all,

After mentioning in someone else's thread last week about my false clown not hosting to anything in my 12g nanocube after 4 months in the tank, I think he finally has. In the past, my fish has been quite shy and often scared of my cleaner shrimp who occupies the back cave I have created in the tank with my LR. The other day I watched "Sid" (that's the fish's name) actually brave his way to the back cave and disappear there for minutes at a time until I would get close to the tank when he would zoom out to the front. Last nite my bro' said he thought he saw the fish hiding in the front in an algae patch I let grow (it's fine hair algae and very green and nice looking so I keep it, people say it looks nice). So we turned on the bedroom lights and sure enough he was snugging his way into the hair algae. He seemed to be having trouble staying stuck inside but this morning when the lights came on he was still in there trying to sleep in. In the past he had been sleeping in the back top portion of the tank, just floating there fighting the current and whatever. I'm glad that he feels more comfortable now in the tank. He is the only fish in there and I want to get the 24g nanocube once ccjung gets a saleable one working.

peace out,

the flopmeister

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So since no one is replying to my post I have another question. Since my fish hosted to something already in my tank, does this mean he won't host to an anemone if I got him one?

Please let me know what you all think.

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As long as you get a species of anemone that will be a suitable host for your species of clown, there is a good chance that they will host in it when added. Mine hosted in my anemone after about an hour of adding it (before one of them was hosting in a torch coral). Clowns hosting is not a sure thing, but i dont think you will have too much trouble if they are already hosting.





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I have another question aboot my fish's new sleeping quarters, since I have never seen this before. When he hides in the algae to sleep, the current often floats him out of his position, then he has to rearrange himself. Does this disturb him and make it "uncomfortable" for him to sleep? Should I turn off the in-tank maxi-jet pump so that there is less current?

just asking.


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