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Innovative Marine Aquariums

20g long or 29g


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I am in the planning stages of an upgrade and im not sure which tank to use. I have 2 tanks, a 20g L and a 29g and i really want to keep the set up simple.


Im planning on using the same equipment for either tank( aquafuge PS, aquamedic 150w 20000k, and a small HOB filter to run some carbon + mech. filtration).


I am more towards setting up the 20g long b/c it is less $ for LR and LS but I just want to see the pros and cons of each.



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you are planning almost the exact tank i have, id go with the 20L i like the look and it is less LR, you can also keep any LPs on the sand and most SPS where ever you want it. Look at my thread if you want

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Personally I'd probably go with a 29g just cause the extra space means more stability, more corals, more fish. Either way that's gunna be one killer tank.

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Do they both have the same footprint? I'm leaning toward a 29 gal for my next tank (LOL, my 5.5 is only 5 wks old!) because we've got a stand in the garage that my husband built in high school shop (read: free!) :D


Seriously though, I kinda like the long tanks, based purely on aesthetics.

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i got a 29g for a present months ago and took it back to get a 20 long because of the lighting vs depth factor.

i dont regret my decision at all.....

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I also have the same "problem". 20g long & a 29g at home. Eventually will be setup as a reef tank, and will drill the back for external overflow.


I've come to the conclusion (for now :lol:) that I'll go with the 29g with a 20g fuge underneath. The 20g long would make a good growout/propagation tank, so I'll set that one up for such.

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I'd go with the 29 gal if you're planning to have corals that will grow vertically.


I setup a 29 for my first sw aquarium and at first was a little disappointed because I could only arrange the rock about half to 2/3 of the way up the tank.


Now, I'm glad I have the space for coral to grow and fill out the open spaces. It's worked out quite well because shelves can be arranged at several depths for different lighting and flow requirements.

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You will have to decide from personal preference. I looked at all the 20Ls and all the 29s on here to see what I preferred the looks of. I went with the 20L. However, when I ordered my 30lbs of live rock from liveaquaria.com, it would have easily been enough rock for my 29. I had a very hard time fitting it into my 20L while leaving room for fish and making overhangs. I got 3 huge 10-12inch pieces and 2 6-7 inch pieces. I had to break apart one of the large ones just to make it all fit.

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I am actually now considering a 30 gallon. My mom wants to set the 29g up for african chiclids and the 20g long is being used as a quarantine tank for an oscar. Any opinions on if i should change the setup any if I went for the 30g? I cant change the light though because i already ordered it.

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ok, lets just say i went with the 40g breeder. How would you set it up? The key word here is "simple", ie. no drilling and no really complex plumbing and if possible, on a 200-300 $ budget (not including LR, LS, tank/stand, and lighting).

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If you went with the 40g breeder, I would just add a protein skimmer and powerheads for circulation. I too like the simple set up (no plumbing or drilling).

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