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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Horseshoe crab


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Hello im new to this forum

Anyways my lfs has a horseshoe crab and its constantly shifting sand. I was wondering if anybody has experience with these guys. Im not thinking anybody would have one in a nano but some people here have more than one tank so...

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I had two in my 29gal FOWLR and they ate all the good critters in my live sand(well now I thinks its dead sand) But they do sift the sand but mine died after eating all the good stuff. Even thought I feed them fish food, krill, and other shrimp.

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They can reach like 2 feet long. But they're pretty cute.


They are carnivores, so you would probably have to suppliment it with some sort of meaty food.

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Don't bother with those things. I see them at the beach all the time from a few inches up to over 2 feet inluding that little tail thing. Definetly gets way to big.

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They eat everything in the sand bed effectively negating any "live" sand you wanted. They also get HUGE and really should be left to aquariums and the like that have the enormous tanks they can thrive in. IMHO

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