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zenia problem


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Just got a zenia frag today. I acclimated for over an hour, then put in tank. That was about 5.5 hrs ago and it's still limp as Bob Dole. Should it have perked up by now or will it just take more time?

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sorry doctorreef, but you are wrong. Xenia do better at high temps, they grow faster and pulse more. Its clearly the case with my colony and there are a number of pop experiments that find the same. Look up FAMA 2002 p.170.

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  • 3 months later...

My xenia is doing horrible, when I got it at the LFS it stood high and pulsed alot not it is shrunken and barley pulses. I got it like 3 weeks ago. My tank is in good shape except that it has a green algea problem, wich is being solved now by 2 snails.



Any ideas

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Calvin, your xenia isn't doing very well because you don't want it to die. If you consider xenia a prized specimen, it dies. If you think its a weed, you can never get rid of it.


Make sure you have excellent water parameters and relax. If your xenia dies despite excellent water, then it was doomed anyways. There is nothing heroic you can do to help it. Just let it help itself. If it does die, dont' clean the LR it's on very well....leave a little slime behind and it may grow into a baby xenia stalk - much cooler than popping a frag in your tank.

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Originally posted by neanderthalman

Calvin, your xenia isn't doing very well because you don't want it to die.  If you consider xenia a prized specimen, it dies.  If you think its a weed, you can never get rid of it.  



boy, aint that the truth.

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