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Coral Vue Hydros

How much sand?


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Ok, I've looked around here and in RC and cannot seem to get a simple answer. I have a 20 gal reg I set up with 40 lbs live rock, ac 500 w/skimmer and fuge, 130w pc lighting, and will be stocking with corals and a couple of clowns eventually.


I currently have 10 lbs of livesand, cured from the LPS, and have read conflicing reports here about how much is needed. Some people say to use 2-3 inches, while others say an inch or less. Is it true that too much will give me a sulfer smell and cause halmful bacteria? Or do I need more to give me proper filtration.


I know questions similar to this have been asked but I cannot find a consensus to what is "right".


Please Help.

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You can't find a consensus because one doesn't exist. There are more sandbed debates than just about any other debates in reefing (including lighting and skimming). Read everything you can and then make your decision based on what you feel has the strongest basis in fact.




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like most things when it comes to reefing everyone has varying opinions on what is right and how to do it. most people at minimum will make their SB 1 to 1 to their tank capacity. youve got a 20G so at minimum you would need 20lbs of sand. after that its your choice as to how much more you want to add. personally i go with about a 1.5 to 2 ratio. my 40G has 60lbs of sand. my 12G i am just starting only has 12lbs, but i will add another 4-6lbs in the next few weeks.


its your call. also keep in mind to have a good SB cleanup crew regardless of how much you add. personally i prefer nassarius snails the most. they are always active and do a great job of getting down into the SB and not just skimming the top.

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Fred I see you everywhere on this site. What is your consensus on the sand issue? What do you use in your tank? Is it working well for you?

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My belief? I like to run bare-bottom or shallow sandbed tanks. My current 15gal has about a 1" layer of sand over most of the bottom..and I'm not sure how long it's staying. (I end up vacuuming a bit of it out each time I waterchange). I feel that, because of the small footprint of nanos, you don't get enough of a benefit out of a deep sandbed to justify its existance, and that with the increase in people who are having "sandbed" issues is not something I want to be a part of.


But that's just me...as always...do what you want..lol




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