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Cultivated Reef

B16A2NR's 3.5 TRUVU


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Picked up 4 SPS frags today from Tigahboy. Great looking stuff, I only wish my camera could do them justice. Metalic Blue 3 branch acropora (far left), Neon Green/Yellow 6 branch acropora (middle left), Blue Montipora verrucosa(Middle right, and far right), Yellow polyp encrusting montipora (Lower left). I attached them to the new high rocks this afternoon and they are showing excellent polyp extension and add a lot of color to the tank. I can't wait for them to fill in and give it a more established look.

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Looks awesome. Cant wait to come see it in person. You should bring it to class with you lol. how many MP is your digicam again?


did you know bob was on tv, a pbs type show and did a how to set up an aquarium video instruction manual? pretty crazy..

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I really like the compact size of this tank, I could carry it completely stocked and full of water to school and plug it in. But then again I wouldn't be very productive.


My digital camera is a 4mpxl Optio S4 Pentax with two macro settings.


Oh yeah heres that picture you wanted of the clam lagoon. All 3 are on the lower left hand side and attached to the live rock in my tank. They are each about 2" long, and grown from very small 3/4" aquacultured maximas. Vary feeding between frozen bio-plankton, chromaplex, and microvert.


SS:Please don't use this image in any sexual way. LOL

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Originally posted by B16A2NR


SS:Please don't use this image in any sexual way. LOL


Damn, i knew you'd use that against me one day, lol.


So tell us about your future plans for the tank, or are you just going to let things fill in now?



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A pistol shrimp, 2 sexy shrimp, I want to find a tiny 1/2" emerald crab, and every montipora capricornus species known to man. I would also like to figure out a way to increase my bioload to sustain more life without the use of sump, fuge, or skimmer, or increase waterchanges, so I can have a 1/2" black percula hosting to frogspawn.

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Originally posted by B16A2NR

I would also like to figure out a way to increase my bioload to sustain more life without the use of sump, fuge, or skimmer, or increase waterchanges, so I can have a 1/2" black percula hosting to frogspawn.

It's called photoshop. ;)


Your 3.5 looks fully stocked now! looks great, dude!

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Hey B16,

You might be getting that color spectrum shift from cooling the bulb directly with the fan. Any way to box up the bulb a little bit so the airflow isn't directly hitting the bulb. ? also do you have the nipple facing between 9-3 o'clock? suppose to give the best color and also allows all gas-phosphors to ignite evenly in the bulb... Just a guess....Great looking tank!

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Man, that is nuts! You have done an awesome job with that tank, VERY nice!


Is "hank" a yellow watchman or what? I've never seen a yellow goby with blue-ish fluorescing dots.


I too like the "clean" tanks. All of my tanks are clean. My tanks are: 33g, Two powerheads, 1 quickfilter attachment on one, 10g tank: 1 aquaclear mini with foam and carbon, 20g Tank: AC50(200), 1 powersweep powerhead.


Very nice work on that, thank-you for sharing!



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Naturalreef: Thanks for that great info I will try rotating the bulb like you said. Do you mean have the nipple at either 9 or 3 o clock? As far as the fan in my canopy I have it circulating directly around the bulb using aluminum curves. I tested it with smoke to make sure its not blowing directly on it.


Funky-Fish: I'm glad you enjoy my tank. Hank is indeed a yellow watchman goby. I don't know if they all have the blue speckles around the gills, but he is definatly my favorite fish to watch. Heres a photo of him with his late friend from my original 12 gallon. I will re-unite him again with a shrimp when I find one.


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I remember when you bought "Hank" and all those sexy shrimp. You traded, what, like 10 xenia frags for all that? Anyways, what kind of cleaner crew are you gonna put in there and can you post a nighttime pic with the moonlights on? BTW there's a pic of my tank somewhere on this site...Nick, do you know where it is?

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I remember when you bought "Hank" and all those sexy shrimp. You traded, what, like 10 xenia frags for all that? Anyways, what kind of cleaner crew are you gonna put in there and can you post a nighttime pic with the moonlights on? BTW there's a pic of my tank somewhere on this site...Nick, do you know where it is?

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Thanks for the reply B16!


I will definetly be following this thread closely, waiting for updates. Im sorry to hear Hank lost his friend, I hope he re-unites for you! Thanks.



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As far as the bulb nipple...Picture a clock cut in half..The upper half is 9 O'clock to 3 O'clock.As long as the inner nipple is in the upper half, it is oriented correctly. The way mine works out is the nipple is right on the 9 O'clock line.


even though your airstream is circulated around the bulb, you are still cooling the bulb. When the air hits your circular enclosure, you are also creating some turbulence which hits the bulb IMO. Halides last the longest and put out the best color when they run hot. I also know this from experience with my minibow hood I built. I had the same reflector setup as you and my bulb was constantly changing its spectrum a bit. If you look at my new Seacube thread you will see how I remedied this with a enclosed reflector. Now the halide runs hot the way it likes it and the canopy is cooled efficiently. Still your tank looks awesome..Question: how do the clams like the 20k so far? did they come from a tank under 20k's?

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Naturalreef: The 3 maximas are doing very well under the 20k lighting. They were originally under 110w 50-50 pc and 70w 10k in a 10 gallon where they got most of their growth. I will post any changes in growth or coloration if I notice any. Its tough feeding them enough planktons without getting small algae blooms on the glass. I try to feed them sparingly because I figure they are feeding off of the algae scrapings as well.

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10" Red Devil

Great looking tank man! I love your signature bar nice photoshoping!


How is Landscape Architechture going?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks Red Devil. Landscape is going very well. I've picked up a few residential design side jobs for the near future, but school is freaking tough! I'm just glad to finally have a spring break with enough time to clean out the propagation system, and work on the tanks.


Heres a super macro I got of Hank today. He decided he doesn't like to sit on his hands anymore and wants to lay down in the sand and stare at me with his puppy dog eyes. I didn't know fish could learn how to beg.

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Updated tank shot. All the corals are filling in very well. I'm getting some extremely fast growth on the blue acropora on the left. 2 large branches are shooting off 5 small runners. Continuing with my weekly 32 oz water changes, and topping off with about 8 ounces of RO daily. Scrape the glass with a credit card twice a week for algae, and feed hank a few flakes through a hole I made in my aquaclear mini.

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Continuing with my weekly 32 oz water changes


Haha! so let me guess, your siphons are done with a straw and half a big gulp? Thats great lol. tanks looking nice, it would probably look even better with a orange monti cap or green with purple polyps.


Nice pic of Hank BTW.



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  • 2 weeks later...

There have been a few new additions to the 3.5 gallon since I last updated. Meet Jasmine my 1/2" captive bred baby percula. She took right to the candycane, unfortunatly at night the sweeper arms come out forcing her to play with the current. I will find her a small and vibrant frogspawn for her soon. Hank doesn't seem to mind her and was a little curious at first.

Along with Jasmine I added 3 sexy shrimp that like to sit on the teal candycane, and a 1" emerald crab to take care of any macro algaes. With such a variety of coral, I don't suspect my nitrate levels will raise. I do however predict that the algae on my glass will increase accordingly to the amount of livestock I added. I bought a tiny 1 1/2" magfloat and I will continue on my weekly water changes but bump it up to about 40 oz. That should take care of things. More photos to come.

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  • 2 weeks later...
and I will continue on my weekly water changes but bump it up to about 40 oz.


haha so now you've upgraded from using a big gulp to a beer bottle? j/k glad the clown made it down ok, looks good B16. BTW inverts (whats left) are 50% off @ work now. Ill check it out this weekend. more pics of the tank! keep them coming



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Its been a while since I posted last. The tank is doing extremely well and I am seeing wonderful growth in my zoanthids, and acropora colonies. I added a small colony of frogspawn that replaced the center candycane coral I had. I have discovered that I have an infestation of flatworms and am now in the process of finding a black velvet nudi to take care of that issue. Not a big deal though since these flatoworms don't attack corals just multiply like crazy. Heres a few photos I snapped today.


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