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New to Coral Feeding

Angel Higuera

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Angel Higuera

I've done several searches but found diffrent and somtimes contrary answers. I think I need some advice for my specific case. I'm new to coral and all I have now is a green brain and some GSP's. I feed the brain minced squid every 3 days. all I want in my tank is LPS, Softies and feather dusters. I bought some Micro-vert also.


Am I on the right track? What can I give the GSP's? - and all the other corals for that matter? I hear Cyclopeeze is good but not sure. Any advice on feeding is appreciated.


Thanks y'all



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liquid or good powdered phytoplankton, cyclopeeze or if you have a food processor try blending up some of that squid with some water and turkey basting them that, also maybe some frozen brine.

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you don't actually NEED to feed your corals(the ones you have are photosynthetic). the 'brain' can and will accept meaty foods(i personally use a mix of enriched brine, mysis, and cyclopeeze to feed my acanathastrea, blastos, and other lps). personally with the gsp...i wouldnt feed the bastards anything. they're gonna overtake your tank in a year or so(mind you, this is without feeding them directly) and you're gonna regret buying them.


i'm pretty sure that powdered phyto and most bottled phyto is just a waste of money. the only phyto worth paying for is one that has an expiration date and DEMANDS refrigeration. something like DT's is perfectly good stuff. anywho, hth.

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yoshiod, my powdered phyto has an exparation date and needs to be refrigerated thats why i said GOOD powdered phyto.

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jennie- no kiddin?! what brand is it? i've never heard of a powdered phyto that needs refrig.! how do you get it into solution? i've heard the best way to get an even mix is to use a blender....but i'm not too sure how my gf would react to that one. lol.


reefmonkeee- anything that is large polyped can take larger foods(read: meaty) while smaller polyped corals do better with phyto and such micro-fare.


i don't feed my sps anything but 96w of pc and 70w of 10k mh. the lps(acanthastrea lord., blasto, and unknown acan sp.) all get spot fed my brine/mysis/cyclopeeze mixture and every once in awhile i'll throw in a little cyclopeeze for my fish and for the zoos. maybe phyto if i have any. i NEVER feed my fish...they pick off whatever floats around and whatever amphipods they can catch.

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try feeding your candycane at night....use some cyclopeeze and mysis and you'll be amazed at how gorgeous they look when the feeding tentacles are out!

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yoshiod, i will get the name of it for you tomorrow. i get it at my lfs, you can mix it into a solution or dump the tiny spoonfull into the tank and let it spread itself which is what i usually do. sometimes my clown comes and takes a small chunk off and drags it around. the stuff i get is $9.99 for a small thing of it, but it lasts a long time. they have a bigger package of it for $14.99 as well. i promise not to forget, i am just too lazy to go to the fridge to get it lol. :)

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this stuff tht i get is from a local company here in brooklyn called E.S.V.. it is spray dried phytoplankton. it is 1/2 oz, but is very finely powdered. one level spoon full (like the size of 1/3 of a pencil eraser) per 20 gallons. keep dry and tightly covered. store in refrigerator for maximum shelf life.

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ESV...the little company that makes B-Ionic...;). For phyto, you still can't beat DT's. And I'm with Yoshiod...especially with nanos, if you drop in tiny amount of DT's, feed sparingly with cyclopeeze, and keep the tank minimally stocked with fish...you'll never have nutrient issues. People who feed especially for their fish, especially in their nanos, usually end up with green tanks..:)




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Jennifer, I also live in NYC, SOHO area, I've only been able to find 2 Salt Water stores any where in the city, New World and one on Delnacey, both are a bit over priced, even though the quality in New World is top rate, where do you for your live stock / suppies?





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i go to queens. there is fishtown on northern blvd. which is getting a new coral shippment today. and another, oh i cannot remember it's name but it is farther out towards the island. someone sent me this one yesterday, i have not checked it out yet, 1000 island aquarium 1940 Utica Ave.Brooklyn, NY 11234


and he also sent me this http://www.manhattanreefs.com/ click on NYC stores for info to stores in NY.

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the one is queens has good prices? must be nice having a car to be able to drive :( - never owned a car in all my time in NYC, but it might be worth it just for LS pick ups! :

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prices are ok, i got a nice metalic gsp (6"x2"x3" LxWxH) yesterday for $34.99 with a brain attached, http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/showphoto...&cat=500&page=1 it looks a bit bad now (not the gsp) but hopefully that will make a comeback. their dry goods are a bit high priced, not everything, but some of it. i have gotten all of my coral from them, and all of it has survived.


by the way do you accept pm's? i tried but no option to send you one, and you don't take email :)

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