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quick goby question (newbie)


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i have never had but 1 goby fish die on me (lfs sold me 2 firefish as mated) needless to say only one made it alive with 2 days. However, i have had a sick royal gramma. purchased her at a lfs she came free w/ a dease. :( anywho nearing her ending days she stayed at the top of the tank in a corner.


I have had a yellow clown goby for a few months now guy has always seem to eat steller and he mated w/ a mushroom coral i have. i recently purchased a sabea clown fish. for the first few days they actually seem to buddy up. they hung out in the same corner and in the same spots. the swam around each other was very neat. clown shows no aggression to anything in the tank. now the clown goby seems stressed out and often goes to the front corner of my tank. he will do that stay there for about an hour or 2 then go perch somewhere else then go back ot the corner. is he stressed out? should i move him to another tank of mine? i really like the little guy. he is very small and i would like to watch him grow to an adult size. he is also not eating as well as he was.

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You need a quarantine tank. Don't just put fish into your display and take chances.


You only need a regular flourescent light, small hang on back filter with carbon and floss, pvc pipes so the fish can hide and weekly water changes.


Spend on the QT and you won't regret it.


Are you watchig the fish 24/7. Maybe you are missing the clowns aggression.

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i watch it a lot. good news the goby has gone back to chilling in his normal perching spot and ate this morning. thanks guys i guess he was a little stressed out w/ his new tank mate.

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Originally posted by JsL

You need a quarantine tank.  Don't just put fish into your display and take chances.


You only need a regular flourescent light, small hang on back filter with carbon and floss, pvc pipes so the fish can hide and weekly water changes.


Spend on the QT and you won't regret it.


Are you watchig the fish 24/7.  Maybe you are missing the clowns aggression.


i have a QT tank that is nothing more then a 20g w/ a coral life 50/50 flourescent i actually have a fish in there at the moment. a pygmy angel she was biting to much on my corals. i watch my tank for several hours a day i know its weird but its also in a spot where i can watch it or the tv. :D

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