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yellow clown goby


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Clown Gobies eat many things. Flake, meaty foods like bloodworms and mysis shrimp.


You can keep one with the Gramma as long as the Gramma is introduced last.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will a green clown goby eat basically the same things? I had wanted a green clown goby and found one at the LFS, so told them if it ate and they'd keep it a while, I'd pick it up. They assured me it ate and it survived to be picked up much later. I put it in the tank today and it has been very active, exploring, "testing" out hiding spots, zipping around the tank. I added a small amount of food for it and my peppermint shrimp didn't finish off some meaty food, so will the clown goby eat that kind of stuff? If so, I think I have nothing to worry about with it, for the time being.




EDIT: The goby picks at the sand some, so I think it's eating some of the stuff I put in. Any ideas on how long it should take for it to really fatten up and look more (obviously not just like) like pics online?

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