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Cultivated Reef

20 gallon


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Hi, I'm starting up a 20 gallon and I have all the equipment and am ready to set it up. What kind of fish can I keep in here? ORiginally I was just planning on decorating with dead coral but some fish I want, like manderin gobies feed of copods(spelling?). ANyways I was just wondering what kind of fish would do well in a 20 gallon. I'm particulary interested in gobies like the manderin and yellow goby. Anyways info would be much appreiceiated - Andrew

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well, if you are new to reefkeeping, i wouldnt recommend the mandarin. It is pretty hard to keep, ive learned that. I would recomend a clown goby or something like that. This is just my opinion though. Some other fish that would be good for a 20 gallon are some small clowns, SOME gobies, like the clown gobies,firefish, and stuff like that. Good luck on your new tank!

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I looked up clown gobies and they're what I called yellow gobies:P . What do clown gobies eat and how big do they get? I don't think this will be too hard to set up because my dad's been keeping marine fish for about 20 years and he can help me a lot. He has a 300 gallon tank with some fish over 12 years old!

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