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Coral Vue Hydros

Please Help with ID


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Could someone tell me what this is I have 2 of them that have shown up in my 10 Gallon tank I recenlty put to gether. The one is the center off all the pictures and than there is another which was in plain view on the front of the Hammer Corals than moved an hour later where i can not get a picture. They are light greeb in color and can move locations.











Also this came on my live rock and another is starting to grow is it some type of mushroom? The purple thing in the middle of the picture



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purle blue discoma shroom is correct. That is NOT a FLOWER Anemone. it ismt an aptaia either. WORSE than they are! It is a Majano anemone. They multiply VERY VERY FAST!!! stick it in its base with a syrynge and lemon juice. ( MUST BE REAL LEMON JUICE!) It WILL kill them fast and will NOT harm your tank.

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I agree, it's a Majano. But I don't think they are as big of a deal as people make them out to be (I've had one before and it never got out of control). Aiptasia actually grows and multiplies a lot faster than majano (i've had that as well - they were fed some joe's juice).


Majano can be kept under control a lot easier. Just have to be sure not to overfeed your system to limit the excess nutrients it needs and protein skimming can help a lot to limit the majano's numbers. But if you really really don't want it in there, then just give it a couple joe's juice doses and you're good to go.


Read this to get a better idea - a very helpful article on aiptasia and majano and various solutions to the problem: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/aipta...impressions.htm

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