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Now I'm pissed


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it is a 30 gal cube, 175W MH, all water perams are in check, 50 lbs of base rock 5-10 lbs of live rock. It was florida ricordias, and it was a green bubble tip.



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Were they attached to anything? The BTA will walk if he didn't like where he was so that would explain him. Even if the rics were attached they still can detach if stressed, so they are probably still in there somewhere. Try taking out a few pieces of rock work and zapping it with a Turkey baster a few times. Maybe the rics will come floating out of a crevice or something.

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I have but have nott seen anything too suspicious. Bout the only thing I have seen is a small bristle worm, but I don't think it would be him would it? If it is the bristle worm, should I get a six line wrass to take care of him, or would a flame hawkfish eat him?



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Put some shrimp in a small piece of a nylon stocking, turn out the lights and if hes in there and tries to eat the shrimp hell become entangled in the stocking,then pull the stocking out.

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If he had a mantis the skunk cleaner would be first on the target list. I doubt its that. Mantis shrimps arent the destroyers everyone claims they are. They just strongly strongly dislike other shrimps.

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it looked green to me. It came with a frag from someone elses tank, that sold the frag to a lfs. So maybe he had a gbta that it came off of. But it was a BTA for sure. Well there is one more ricordia left in my tank, and the lights are off and I see nothing fishy going on.



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