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My new Bubble Tip


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Now that I am done vacationing...back from my trip to California followed up by my trip to Seattle to see Monday Night Football. I am back in the land of ice and snow and was feeling the urge to add something to my tank. So I checked out 2 LFS's around here and came up with a cool looking bubble tipped anemone.


I acclimated it to the tank for a few hours and placed it to the left of my collection of candy canes that I had from my old Eclipse Six (started with 6 heads, now I have over 20). It was happily open with bubbles inflated when I left to go to the gym. When I got back, it was nowhere in sight. I had that quick feeling of panic as I said OH FUDGE (or something like it). Then I spotted the damn thing…it wedged it’s foot in a crevice behind my candy canes and it was mostly closed up.


I was worried that it was shocked by being under the halides, so I left it alone. By late Sunday night, it was open with bubbles inflated sticking its tentacles THROUGH the branches of candy canes. Well, I had enough and I fragged my canes and spread them through the tank to make room for where the BTA wanted to be.


When I woke up the morning it moved again and took up a spot in a crevice that would have been right above the corals I fragged. Oh well, I need to change the tank some anyways. I seems to be happy there, basically the center of the tank with a small ledge to retract under, or to extend beneath my metal halide.


I also picked up the ocellaris clown that was all over it at the LFS. It seems to be happy, but it is no longer hanging with the BTA since it moved. Maybe the clown needs some time.


The BTA is a little more green than the photo shows, especially under the actinic lights.



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i dont believe its their first choice or natural host

i believe they are found more in carpet anemones

not positive but thats what the dude at my lfs told me when i first started

oh and btw awesome lookin bta

a little christmasy dont ya think?

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