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Got a new frag!


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I think im going to get a blemished one from h20tropicals.com for 200 w/ shipping. I've fiddled with my diy euro's so much I'm getting sick of it. I thought about just ordering the sedra pump with venturi/needle, but damn, thats like $100 w/ shipping alone. So say i get the pump, but I can't get my skimmer to pull alot, and end up dumping another 200 into the real euro. thats 300 bucks, but I could make it a recirculating skimmer...which I may do anyways.


I've wanted both metal halide lighting and GOOD skimmer for a year now. I had a really crappy job that whole time and couldn't afford ######! Now I'm working at a Kawasaki plant and making better money, plus I got some money and some scratch off lottery tickets that I won 30 bucks on, so i figured, I might as well go all out and get the skimmer that I've always dreamed of.


One of these days, when I move into a new house, I'm going to set up a bigger reef, so I plan to use the Euro for that tank as well.


Sure, I could buy a remora for about 175 w/ shipping, but I'm affraid to buy it, only to be wishing I had spent the extra $25 and get such a sweet skimmer.


god, I'm so excited....My tank is getting the kickstart it needs after a year of poverty!



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Wait...you're getting an ES5-2 for $200 shipped?! What site is this again? I tried h20tropicals.com but it didn't work.


I was looking into ES5-3...but cheapest I can get it is $268 shipped.

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Remember, these are "blemished" but search about them on rc. Usually just a sloppy weld, or a scratch on the acrylic...Like I give a ###### about a scratch. $30 is $30 ya know?


you can spend it on some more of those awesome cali-corals I envy you all for!


let me know what you decide to do.


I know the site says "oct" but people have been ordering them since then. I put in an email I expect to be returned tommorow, so we will know then... Otherwise a new one can be had for about $215 with shipping.


Do it Dennis...order one too!

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Awww..they are out of the ES5-3's....I'll keep looking tho. Now you got me thinking about ES5-3's instead of Remora/Urchin Pro since it's only a $42 difference in the end (haha....we could be playing this game forever: eg. "it's only a $100 difference")


I wonder how much better an ES5-3 is compared to the Remora/Urchin Pro. I doubt many even have either of these here on nano-reef.


Only thing is...ES5-3 is like 9x9 w/ 24h. While the Urchin Pro is like 8x3 w/ 14h. That's a big difference.

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well, Dragon_slayer on RC, I think thats his name anways...Said he would glady trade his NEW remora pro with mag 3 for a USED 5-2! Like I said, that list is from october, they get blems ALL THE TIME, so really, that list isn't worth the code it was written with, Shoot the guys over there a Email and see about availiblity...


ES5-2 would be plenty for your tank.


I'd get a 5-3 too if I could fit in the sump...


Oh, I just got a email from a guy with a used 5-2 170 shipped.




Going to build the hood now, I'll catch up with you this afternoon.


good luck.

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Very nice digitata you got. And $20 is a great price. I had a tiny piece that did OK under PC's, but when I swithed to MH the thing took off. Went from under 2" to over 5" with tons of branches. Yours is hard to tell what color it is going to be. Could be green, or maybe even purple. Anyway, nice piece for the price.



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Thanks Bob, how far do you keep your lamp from the water? I beleive mine will be 11" off of the water.


So I got the hood built, it's not the best looking thing ever, however its just how I wanted it, and didn't take much time. A few screws, scraps and a 4x4 sheet of 1/2 plywood. I'm going to paint it black to match my stand. It's got 2 brass hinges so the front panel swings up.


Like I said, I don't know wether I'm going to add the VHO's or not... I might not need them. The dawn/dusk thing is pretty cool. I'll probably just add a t-5 or two. slr reflectors if I can afford them too.


I can buy a 5-2 used 1 year, great condition, for $170 shipped. Should I do it? If not I'll order new.


The bulb is alot bluer/brighter than the pic shows. My 1.3 mp Mavica dinosaur dig cam can't handle it. lol.

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Hey dude. I just ordered my ES5-3! haha. I have you to thank for convincing me to get this great product!


And guess what, the price listed on marinedepot ($268) is incorrect. When I took it to the checkout and paid for it, it was actually $248! So only like a $6 difference w/ the Remora Pro + drain fitting. And since it's no tax and shipping fees for orders over $175....it was $248 SHIPPED.


Are you looking into calc reactors? I'm doing research on prices and brands for that now. So expensive. =/

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hahha, AWESOME man! Im ordering my 5-2, slightly used for 170 shipped, I figured I couldn't beat it. The needle wheel looks perfect! i just can spend 228 on a new one, when i can get a nice used for 170 ya know? thats $50!


The reactor is the cheap part. Find me some cheap co2 parts and we shall both be in business!


how tall is the 5-3 without cup? I wonder if I could fit it in my sump....nano's with euro-reefs.....BAHAHA this is awesome!

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$170 is a good deal, dude. If it was only $20 cheaper, then I'd say no. but $50 is worth it.


Reactor is the cheap part, huh? this doesn't look good then. hahah.


I have no idea how tall the 5-3 is w/o cup. Just know that it is either 20" or 24" tall (marinedepot says 24 but another said 20).

I'll get it on Wed., since they are local, and I can measure it then. Now I just need a bigger sump/fuge to accomodate the 5-3 (9x9 footprint).


Any idea what brands of calc reactors are good or are you gonna DIY? Knop seems to be the cheapest, but still reliable and easy to use.

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i like the knop. Otherwise....I'd have on built from one of the many vendors here, or on RC. But the reactor itself is cheap...its the tank and c02 regulators and ###### that cost ALOT.


mine will be here on thursday....make sure to post pics...it will fit in a 10g sump, I promise!

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I'd bet the Eheim is a quality unit, but too expensive for my tastes. It will probably be a few months before I really start looking into a CA reactor. I just don't have the corals/skills for tough sps that would suck all of that up to necesitate my use of a reactor.


Someday though, for sure...


Here are some pics of my 5-2, which I just paid for btw...Hive fives to us!






Looks good to me, what do you think?

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Well, yea, in all reality I'm sure they will both do a good job, especially because I have no fish! But, There is just something about making the skimmer, even better, that is so appealing to me. Even if the skimmer does a good job stock, the mod will make it even more efficient, especially if you use it on a larger tank.

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oops, I almost forgot! I spent my $25 lfs gift certificate on this rock COVERED, even some tissue on the bottom!


Damn, I hate this new 14k bulb, I hope it burns in soon!

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I don't think the digita is liking them though...w 3 layers of screen to go...I plan on doing a water change tonight or tommorow so we will see if that perks him up. The light just isn't as intense as i'd have liked it....looks like 20k, to be honest.

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Well, 2 hours round trip for these bad boys...


The guy told me they were florida, but I don't know how to tell them apart from yuma. There is acctually one huge funny shaped ric that has 6 mouths, and then a few smaller single polyps on the rock. I paid $34 for them, They are my first rics. What color are they?


What do you think?


a closeup


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