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Coral Vue Hydros

What type of Percula hosting anemone is this ?


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it could be a torch coral.. which isnt an anemone and not a natural host for any clown.. Bubble tips arent natural hosts for percula or ocelleris clowns.. but sometimes both species will take to btas in captivity.. btw bta's can have split tenatacles my rose has several.

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Fant- Really? I cant say I've ever seen that on our GBTA at work before, I'll have to look more closely.


I like "Deep Thoughts" (your sig) as well, haha.

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It looks like what is called a "sebae" anemone, Heteractis malu or H. crispa. Look at the base, if the verrucae are in rows, its a H. malu, if they are all over its a H. crispa.

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A LT Plate is a Heliofungia sp., it is a hard coral not an anemone. What you have is an anemone. Just take a look at the verrucae on the basal column and you can ID the species.

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Yes they do. I still say SADDLE ANEMONE. Bulb tip, no . Fungia, no .Sebae, no. Tortch coral? WTF! Got any more drugs? LOL!!!!!

On a saddle anemone the branches do fork and form "U"shaped tenticles. They get INSANLEY HUGE so if it is be prepeired as it grows to sell it or relocate it to a much larger aquarium. I mean they get like 3 FEET in diameter. Not at a fast rate though. They are also varacious stingers when they get larger. If they sting your hand or arm it will sloth off the skin around the burnt/stung area. ( Got me once in a buddy's aqarium trying to rescue a broken peice of tortusa.) They are also a VERY expensive animal so you got lucky in that aspect too if it is indeed a saddle.

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What are commonly called "saddle anemones" are Stichodactyla haddoni, they are carpet anemones and there is no way that any of the anemones on this thread are carpets...no way. Also, a branching tentacle cant be used as a key in anemone identification as bifurcation is very common in many species. Think Heteractis sp..

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Doc: Never said it was, that is I never made a posetive ID for him. Just an observation and an opinion. I also wanted to point out that the tenticles were branching, as some one said that they were not and that the pic just made it look that way.

BTW they arent called carpet anemones. They dont even resemble them. A carpet anemone lives at the base of a reef system and spreads out with thick short tenticles. They are yellow, pink, blue, red you name it. A saddle anemone is pink to tan in coloration and has longer more pronounced tenticles and lives either near the top of a reef or midways. They also get 4 times the size of a carpet anemone. carpet anemones, saddle anemones = two different animals within the same order.

Not trying to start anything here just saying I have seen plenty of carpets and plenty of saddles. They dont resemble eachother to me.

EDIT: Saddle anemones are also found in green tipped and purple tipped variations, buut prodominatley pink to tan.

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yep could be brahm. The size is throwing me off though. I have never seen one that size before. I mean I have seen them like 9 inches in diameter but that one looks like it could get MUCH bigger when fully expanded.

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