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Candy Coral, red open brain and plate coral


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This is a two part thread, can someone tell me what a white cotton stringy stuff thats on my candy coral is. (Sorry no pics) The coral's polyps sort of closed up last night that had this cotton stuff on it. the others were wide open. This morning the stringy stuff seemed to have dissapeared and the plyps were looking like they were opening up. But that was still with moonlights on it and no the MH lights. Have to check it when I get home tonight from work.



Also how do I supplement these 3 corals with some food, other than ZOO Plankton and PHYTO Plankton. What should I be feeding them. I supplemt Iodide, Strontium and Calcium. Never seen the tentacles out.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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The "stringy stuff" may have been slime that's exhibited/produced when a coral is stressed. Which coral has not extruded "tentacles?" Fungias and brains have very short, stubby tentacles that are typically displayed at "night" (when the lights are off) while calustrea can have rather long sweeper tentacles which usually appear when the coral is in an area of moderate to high flow.


All of the above corals will accept mysis shrimp, small pieces of silverside, cyclop-eeze and the like. I feed my brain and plate 3 times a week, but hardly ever purposefully feed the calustrea/candycane.


Be careful with dosing. Before adding supplements to your tank you should test the tank water and find out if it needs it. Calcium should be in the 400-450ppm range. I can't recall parameters for the other 2 right now. You really need to invest in some test kits. Salifert and LaMotte are the best hobby grade kits available, but Seachem will do in a pinch.


HTH and GL

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