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Its Here! JBJ 24g Nanocube


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Hey guys,


I spent half the day driving and paid Retail, but I have the Nanocube 24.


I purchased 2 today.. They should hit shelves this friday at your LFS.


I purchased 2.. 1 as a prototype for my 24g lighting upgrade (hopefully 150 MH).


I havent opened them yet, and have some major clean up around the house until fun time!!!



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For the money, you could easily get an oceanlight T5 and a 20g, but it wont be completely integrated.. The target audience of the nanocube market is those who seek integrated looks/features.. My role is providing to those who also seek performance.. If you look on the site, you will see that a significant number of members own nanocubes.


Nanocube 12g DX vs Nanocube 24g DX

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290GPH pump

2 x 36w Fulham Remote Ballast

2 x 60 mm (not salt creep protected!!!) Fans


Shame on you JBJ... putting 60mm fans (which already suck) into a bigger tank... Its like my old AMG (C32 AMG has an ancient computer in it) which died on me 5 times on the freeway...

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Originally posted by ccjung



BTW.. ebin. Im not angry.. everyone is entitled to their opinion :)


Did not think you were. Just think after you buy a cube and tear it apart to hang a metal halide over it you end up spending more cash. than if you were to buy a lets say 29 aga with like a fluval, powerheads and then hang the metal halide over it. With something like a fluval it is still fairly discrete thats all I was getting at.

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Oh.. no.. all of my mods happen under the stock hood with no external mods..


I dont know if MH is going to work. But if heat is the dominant issue, I am confident I can get it out.. My DX mods have been running very very cool with upgraded lighting...

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Can you post a pic of the hood, opened and with the lights off, so we can see how much more room is there for more 32w lights?


After doing tons of reading and since I won't be home until Dec 8th, i've been thinking that I might be better off with a bigger tank.

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cjung, keep up the good work. you completely understand the intent of nanocube reefers, and not those who do not care about looks. obviously buying seperate parts is prob more cost effective and prob. results in a better reef environ. but nanocube reefs seek the design the sleek look.


with your background im sure it will sucessful. if you know of an online source for the 24, please let me know. i wish you the best with a mh under the hood. thanks for pics, look forward to your modifications.

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They are selling like hotcakes.. I purchased mine at pacific reef in anaheim at about 3:15pm.. there were 6 units left. As of 745pm there are only 3 left..Once they leave shelves, at your LFS, they will be backordered until Feb.. Proactivity is the name of the game if you want one.. Call it the Furby for Fishkeepers!!!! happy thanksgiving guys..

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yeah.. I am just a hobbyist who happens to live and work near my 2 big providers, Commodity Axis and JBJ. I love the nanocube. Always read about people needing help or finding a kit, and never finding one.. I thought it was time someone started...

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yes yes cjung, i look forward to yoru modifications.


would you consider having stock hood sent to you and having you modifying it? or are you planningn to sell out modified hoods?

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Originally posted by embryoguy



a fluval for a reef? are you serious?  and you think this will be descret?i cant even entertain this comment further.


My best friend has a 104 on his 16 gallon bowfront just the two hoses and the unit neatly tucked neatly away in his stand off to one side its just an option I threw out there. i have had my nano cube for over a year and kept it stock with fairly good results and it has more than served its purpose for me through noobie times. Now that I feel more comfortable with keeping some different livestock i have weighed the cost of getting a 24 gal and feel that I would get more out of building a complete system from the ground up. thus getting all my needs met. After seeing how quickly a 12 gallon fills with livestock i am getting the ball rolling on a 40 gallon breeder. I by all means was not Knocking the cube like I said I have one sitting in my living room running strong filled with livestock. My comment wasent to entertain you embryoguy it was a comment and a serious question. It was said with no sarcasim or rudeness so for you to come at me like a jerk really is funny and it was quite entertaining. thanks funny how bad a$$ people on the boards get hope you felt cool.



Hope you come up with some cool ideas so you can share them with all of us and give some cool options for those that are interested.


OH here is a pic of my JBJ stock and still going strong just shy of a year. mabey I can get a pc upgrade from cc to speed up growth :)

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yeah.. I agree with you ebin.. My dream setup is a 60g uniquarium with 2 x 250 Aquamedic Oceanlights... I live in an apt right now with my gf, so I cant get a big tank till i move..


I had a 100g with 2 fluvals and some ok lighting back in college. The tank was predrilled, and for the most part the fluval ran quiet.. i dreaded cleaning the filter tho.. damned things never seem to want to seal up. 404 i believe..

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