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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Help with Identification


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Hey Guys

This is my first post but ive been Cruising the site for about 6 months now just soaking up information. Started my first SW tank(20 gal) about 3 months ago with 20 pounds fiji LR and 2 pieces Tonga branch. Got feather dusters comming out everywhere and these white things that I need help IDing. They look like white buds with small hairs comming out of top. Seem like filter feeders to me but am not sure. Also have to shellless looking snail things that seem to love algae, one is like totally black amd the other looks just like colors on my live rock. Both have what looks like a shell under the skin that only covers half of body, Ill get pics of these next time I see them. Just bought digi cam.

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Heres a full tank shot. I know ive waited a long time to add any algae eating critters but I just went through a pretty hard cycle, nitrites and ammonia have been zeroed out about two and half weeks ago and am finally getting nitrates to below 20. Added live rock on Aug. 18. Goin buy my first critter tomorrow

1 fighting conch

3 blue leg hermit

1 scarlet hermit

3 Astrea snail

Any suggestions on other critters?

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1st pic looks like a sponge... but i'm not sure


2nd pic is like you said, a slug-like snail. i have the same exact one in my tank for a couple months now and i think it's safe. mine has not been observed doing anything harmful to corals/livestock. it just kinda scoots along eating algae (or so i think it is)


3rd pic is a type of macro algae, i forgot the name, but it's not bad. it just looks like a neon green "stationary" earthworm :P


btw, nice tank! ur sand bed is so clean

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The first pic is a sponge, I think the right name for these are cycloid sponges (spelling?) I find them growing in my tank from time to time. If you check out the sponge faq on www.wetwebmedia.com you should find more info. As far as I know these are harmless.

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The first is a sponge, they grow in areas of low light, i have heaps, i forget the name though..


Third is macro algae, there was a post a week or so ago about them where somene new the name.


Hope this helps



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Hi there,


The first shot shows sponges of the genus Sycon


The second shows a Stomatella snail, beneficial algae eaters and prolific breeders.


The third is an algae commonly called Caterpillar weed (amongst other names), Neomeris sp.


Nice tank! :)


Best regards



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Thanks a lot for all the replies, very glad to hear that those snails should be reef safe. Just puechased my first livestock yesterday, a coral banded shrimp, a couple astreas and a couple blue legged hermits, and a conch. Everyone seems happy at the moment, Ill keep ya'll updated

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