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shrimp-looking thing...


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Alright, I've got a 2.5G tank with about 3 lbs of live rock, 2 blue leg hermits and a rather small clown goby (the tank is going to be upgraded soon). Anyway, I have papers on my desk in front of it covering the sand part of the tank, and I see this tiny cloud of sand being blown up. Thinking it was a gas pocket, I pull away the papers and look, and lo and behold, under my tiny piece of live-rock I have sitting on the sand, there's this shrimp looking thing rummaging around under there. It's grey, and looks kinda like it's "furry". at first I thought it was some form of bristleworm or something that hitched in on my live rock as a youngun, but I don't know. He kinda disappeared again, and when I see him next, I'll update this, but I swear he looked like a long, skinny shrimp. Like, table shrimp, not aquarium shrimp. Overall length is probably 1", and he's maybe 1/8" in diameter...

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depending on the speices of mantis, they can get pretty big (several inches, at least). Do a search on Mantis Shrimp and that'll tell you anything you'll need to know about them. Yes, they will be a danger to your fish and crabs, mantis shrimp are very intelligent hunters that can make quick work of small fish and crabs (or other inverts for that matter).

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OK, so this little buggardly thing has gone from being a more or less clear thing when I first posted it to a dark brown mantis shrimp today. He's very fast, very active, and I'm afraid he'll eat my fish. Since I don't feel like breaking a finger with him, and since the tank will be torn down tomorrow to go home for a week, how do I get him out? He's definitely living in the liverock, and not the sand, but I don't know which one, and I'm afraid he's too fast for me to net... Since the whole magilla will be will be going in a 5 gallon tank, will he be OK with my goby, or should I pull him out and give him the fresh water treatment?


He's really very cool, but I think I like my fish a bit more than this guy...

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