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Centerpiece Fish...?


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Do Cherub Angels nip at clam Mantles? I want a Cracea Clam if I can get one, but if the Cherub is going to eat on it, I may not want one or the other.

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im going to be adding a cherub in my tank soon.


i have 2 T. Crocea clams and i'll be sure to let you guys know if there has been any nipping. i'm willing to take the risk

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um... OK it is. :blush:


i just want to take the plunge, if something happens, i'll deal with it as it arises. no point in asking a question that can't be answered through experience. this is something i'm going to do in order to shed more light on this fish. if all goes well you'll hear about it... and if things don't go well, you'll see me posting a "non-reef" safe cherub for sale :happy:


one way or another im gona get one, and one way or another i'm gona find out if they're prone to nipping at corals/clams :)

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the stuff that i read said that they have been known to nip at clam mantles, but if they are well fed will they still nip? the best answer is be prepared to rip apart tank if it does.


ps why doesn't anybody post on the other cherub thread that i started.

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I have been fighting myself not to get one for a couple months. I think in terms of their apperence they make a pretty good centerpiece and I like to gamble but after owning three other pygmys(flameAngel, lemonPeel, and a Heraldi Angel) I'm not liking my odds. Each of the three eventually developed a taste for corals.


Lets start first with the lemonPeel Angel. He lived in a 135gallon with 200 pounds of live rock. Constantly grazing the live rock, in and out of caves, awesome fish. He ate everything I put in the tank. Including Mysis, Brine, flake, and Pymgy Angel Formula. He lived with two yellow tangs, two clownfish, three bastard damsels, and a porcupine puffer(first tank I didnt know what the hell I was doing;) ) with no problems. Everything was great until I added my first coral... a brain. The very first day the lemonpeel was nipping at it. He beat it up pretty bad so I got rid of the fish.


The second Pygmy Angel I've owned was a Heraldi Angel. He lived in a 46gallon with 120 pounds of rock. His tankmates included a maroonclown, pinkspotted goby, and three green chromis. He was just as hungry as the lemonpeel and would eat anything I put in the tank. This tank had a # of different LPS and a handful of softies that he would peacefully interact with while grazing the liverock.


I got lucky with this guy but then I got greedy and thought I could add a flame angel to the mix. I left them in the tank together for one night. The next day I turned on the lights and the flame had kicked the crap out of the heraldi. At that point I had to take out probably 100 pounds of live rock, put it in buckets and drain half the water into a trash can to make it possible to catch either of the fish. I pulled out the first angel I could catch and after one and half hours I was putting my tank back together with a flame in the display and a heraldi swimming in the fuge.


I might add that I sold the Heraldi to a friend who put him in a 180 reef. Apperently he has developed a taste for clams and is terrorizing his. So they can go from good to bad and we are still investigating what variables changed from my tank to his that made him start picking at other inhabitants.


And you guessed it... my third angel was a Flame Angel. After I saw what he did to the heraldi I was watching him with my corals pretty closely. For three months he never even thought to pic at a coral. Month four I added two candycanes. Within two weeks the angel was munchin on em(at the same time a couple camel shrimp were. Camel shrimp are bastards. DOnt get em.) I rearranged the rock and added a brain around this time and after that he picked on the candycanes, pulsing xenia, and destroyed the brain.


So in my experience. The possibility of getting an angel that will nip at your corals is high. Based on my experience with the above listed species they will either eat corals right away or eventually develop a taste for em.


But I must admit after reading this thread in its entirety the Cherub Angel sounds like a feasible alternative.


Good thread.

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LPS and clams usually don't mix with angels, according to mr. scott michael. You may have better luck with SPS, although I've had 3 angels, a cherub that never picked on anything (only had him for 6 months though), a rusty angel who liked blue polyped digitatas, and a bicolor angel who didn't live long enough to develop a taste of anything, despite my best efforts.


I guess we'll find out just how reef safe they are in a few months :)

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I've read up on every forum I could about drawf angels and the one everyones been having success with was the pygmy cherub angel. Seems like the cherubs are 80/20 at not picking at corals compared to the 50/50 with all the other angels.

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As the Cherub Roster pic gets bigger....we should start blacklisting those that start to nip by placing a big slash thru their respective photos. or not. haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

to add to this...in 1998, i had a FOWLR 10 gallon. I bought a flame angel and put it in there with a peppermint shrimp. I had this flame in there for 4 years and he was gorgeous and grazed all day. I moved and sold him to the fish store. When i found out that this was a bad thing a few years later, i felt badly about it. I loved my flame angel. He was my favorite fish and impressed all who saw him. But, eve though he was fine in my tank, i would never do that again. I accept that if you get a small tank, you should settle for a wrasse, or a clown. That is fine by me now. Live and learn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We need a big red NIPPED label going accross their pic. ;) You all know that Tigah and I hvae ours in tanks full of SPS and clams (w/ Tigah having LPS also) and we're not getting nipped. *Knock on wood* ;) You could always add a dottyback/psuedochromis if you want color. ;)

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lol, backed out of getting the cherub cuz i want to add some other fish first (mainly a perc, 6-line, gobies)... wana get them established in the tank first before i get a cherub :)


fred once u get another one in, toss another lil frag of zoo's in there, if it's eating healthily and doesn't sell in 1 week and those zoo's aren't being nipped i'll take it ;) just tell vic or mike to save it for me... haha

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Sure, no problem.


On a side note, I found my firefish on the ground two nights ago during feeding but he was still alive so I threw him back into the tank but the poor little guy didn't make it. :( So to make myself feel better, I went out and bought a purple firefish. I recommend these guys as "centerpiece" fish as well. They're a beatiful fish.

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Aww. :( That's why I haven't picked up a firefish for my tank... Not having a top makes me worry about them... I really love the fish, but I don't think I want to risk it.. :(

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I've had a purple firefish for 1 year now without a top and he has never jumped (yet). He's always diving into the rock to hide so at least he has somewhere to go other than out of the tank.


Cherub angels. hmmmmm.

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which one would be my center peice fish i have a 29 with a Liopropoma swalesi, juv. mimic tang, african flameback angel, and a maroon clown. i also had a blue jaw trigger but he jumped out sad.

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he was small but they are all small the mimic is the bigest and he is only 2 inchs the tank runs great tons of macro in the refugium and a great skimmer i haven't done a water change in 2 months and there are zero nitrates and i feed heavy to keep the fish health

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  • 3 months later...

This could be a little out of left field... but I have a Green spotted puffer in my set-up. They should only be in full salt when they're 2-4 inchs, and then only with a lot of caution cause some individuals take to salt better then others (they're a fish that is suited to higher and higer salinity as they mature)


My guy is pretty sweet. A really active open space swimming fish... when you place them is full salt it's amazing how the colors start to change. I think the combinition of feeding vitamin enriched krill and the full salt is waht does it, but he's neon green now with awesome blue eyes and a pure white belly.


He's so active, when any thing moves in the tank, he's right there to investigate... he just sort of hovers around and then gets back to cruiseing.


Puffers can be a little aggrissive, but everyone i've talked to (admittidly few people) who have kept these guys in a reef havn't had trouble with anything except snails if i miss a feeding...


okay... just my thoughts, I think Green-spotted puffers make a great center-piece fish...


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  • 2 months later...


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