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Centerpiece Fish...?


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i got my cherub angel today. pretty good selection at the store because there were actually four of them. i went with the one that was bigger and was at the store longer (known survivor). been in the tank only a couple hours and already owns it. i didn't know that my rocks had so many gaps for fish to swim through because it can go end to end without swimming in the middle of the tank. definately hugging and hiding in the rocks so far. not an ideal centerpiece yet. i'll start a new thread with pics tomorrow if it will pose for me. pics that i got so far look crappy.



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Haha...yeah...same thing w/ mine...just moving thru the rockwork. we should start a cherub angel owners thread. i think more and more are starting to buy them now after this thread. haha. good job, uchiha.

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Ok, I've finally decided to take the plunge, but I swear this is the last angel I'll be placing in a reef tank (unless he, or they do well).


I've actually decided to dive in head first, after reading the newest coral magazine I'm convinced I can get 2 and have one morph into a male so I can have a pair :D Be on the look for some pics within the next month.


But... if either of these guys go after my A. tenuis, or my Efflo then there's going to be an angel-kabob, I'm not showing any mercy any more.

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i wana request for those of you who have the cherub to list your tank size? also, how have yours been behaving (swimming habits/eating habits/territorial habits) ...


1) what size tank do you have it in?


2) do they swim out in the open/localized/or in&out of rock?


3) have u experience the fish trying to harrass other fish or nip at corals?


4) do they eat healthily? (if so, what do they eat?)

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Originally posted by uchiha



i wana request for those of you who have the cherub to list your tank size?  also, how have yours been behaving (swimming habits/eating habits/territorial habits) ...  


1) what size tank do you have it in?


2) do they swim out in the open/localized/or in&out of rock?


3) have u experience the fish trying to harrass other fish or nip at corals?


4) do they eat healthily?  (if so, what do they eat?)


1) I have a 20 long. (want tigahboy's 30, though!)


2) He swims from one end to the other in the tank. He normally hangs out around the middle, though. He stays close to the rocks, but I've only had him for a few days. He is out in the open enough for me to appreciate him. If there's a hole in the rocks, he'll find it.


3) Don't have any other fish or coral yet... :'( He leaves the snails and hermits alone, though! :


4) Mine eats algae off the rocks constantly... He's always picking at them... I feed a little frozen mysis on occasion for him and the scavengers in the tank. Haven't seen him eat it since he's still scared of my being next to the tank... :( I also feed Formula 2 flakes in the morning and at night. He eats whatever pieces come by him, I think.


On a closing note, this fish is amazing. He sticks to the rocks a lot, but I still think he's worth it. When he is out, the colors are amazing! :)



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i have a bicolor angel which is 3.5 in. in a 10gallon,not really aggresive {once or twice if th wrasse tries to clean him},swims in open&behind rocks {sleeps in rock during night},no does not nip at coral but picks off rock all day,&it will eat brineshripm flakes live mosquito larva ,but usually it will get food from live rock.A little picky if there are other organisims for it to compete for food.

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need to start new cherub thread soon, but my cherub is still a little shy to get a great pic to start the thread. getting better though.


1) 20L with lr the full length but not leaning against the back wall (there's lots of places for him to swim and pop in and out of the rocks). my guy is pretty active and fast. constantly in and out of the holes.


2) day 1 figured out how to go end to end without coming out of the rocks. day 2 still swam end to end, but swam more in open spaces (made big turns before heading back into the rocks). day 3/4 more big turns. hanging out more in front of open spaces that are safe. definately more exploratory.


3) no noticible nipping of things that are off limit like coral. no other fish in tank.


4) day 2 ate cyclopeeze. day 3 ate 1/2 cube of angelfish formula one.


so far very happy with the addition. after some more reading, 20L tanks may be pushing the limits on min size. hopefully all the rockwork makes it seem bigger. in the wild, a cherub angel will defend the space of a 55g tank.

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as long as you put it in the right forum :) i was thinking a brief description of cherub angelfish and it's requirements and then free-for-all that uchiha seems to want. reefkeeping has a very nice article about angelfish that i think needs to be linked. :wizard:

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Originally posted by EtOH_is_good

as long as you put it in the right forum :)  i was thinking a brief description of cherub angelfish and it's requirements and then free-for-all that uchiha seems to want.  reefkeeping has a very nice article about angelfish that i think needs to be linked.  :wizard:

You just killed my enthusiasm. you make it.

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I saw a nice 60g tank this weekend....TONS of amazing corals...expensive SPS, LPS, zoo's. And guess what? he had a Coral Beauty up in there. Wasn't nipping on a thing. He said he just feeds it well and it stays fine. crazy. Since all of you have got the pygmy angel now (I no longer feel unique) so I may have to go for its bigger brother, the coral beauty. =)

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that im not so sure about, i think coral beauties are more of a risk... but if you'd like, go for it. but with a tank full of acan frags, i wouldn't be too confident on putting one in :(

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the thing with angels is that every single fish is different. some never develop a taste for corals, some only nip at certain corals, and others will eat anything that moves (including corals).


IMO, and IME, it's not worth the risk of adding an angel that has been known to nip at corals, because if you have ever tried to catch one in a tank with lots of corals and rocks, you know just how smart they are, and how impossible they are to catch.


i wouldn't try anything other than cherubs, or the very small angels, because i've never heard of a report of them nipping at corals, and because they stay less than 3".

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