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Centerpiece Fish...?


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I have my 10g up and running...just need to find some cheap/free brown corals...maybe i should buy em and raise em in the 10g for a month to make sure they are "reef-safe" then sell em for a higher cost since I have ensured their health and reef-safeness. =P

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I'll take one for the team this time, and subject my corals to potentially getting nipped by this awesome lookin fish...hopefully it won't get that far. will keep y'all updated.



If he eats my corals...I will cry. =/ Pray to the reefer gods...

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Okay...my status thus far:


No nipping at the corals whatsoever. Plenty of nipping at algae on my live rock. Not as if he just cleared up my entire tank, but making gradual progress...


I think these fish are beautiful and look like great centerpiece fish...but to be honest, it doesn't really swim like one. It rarely comes out in the opening, and usually likes to just swim around in the shaded "cove" area and in caves. It reminds me a lot of a 6-line actually in terms of swimming patterns. So...looks like the best centerpiece still has got to be the Tangs...I say we all upgrade and start a Tang forum! Who's with me?!


hahah. j/k, mods. =)

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sweet fish B)


how big is yours? my LFS just got two in that are less than an inch long, pretty sweet.


keep us updated ;) you're taking one for the team :P

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I have kept cherub, halfblack, and bicolor angels in a smaller reef aquarium with lots of SPS, LPS, and I've seen them with clams.


They should be fine.

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Originally posted by BKtomodachi

I have kept cherub, halfblack, and bicolor angels in a smaller reef aquarium with lots of SPS, LPS, and I've seen them with clams.


They should be fine.

Yes...but there are others who haven't kept them successfully, and that's why we are saying it's basically hit or miss w/ them. for some it will be fine, for others it won't.


so there's no way for us to safely tell folks that "they should be fine."

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either way, just keep us updated Tigah... :)


let us know next year (in 1 month) whether or not this lil guy has developed a taste for your corals.

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OH crap...you know what I just thought of....our acan tomorrow!!! hahah...what if he develops a taste for those. =/ no...they usually go for other stuff, rite?

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hm, i didn't think about that. i would bet, that if he doesn't nip at your other "fleshy corals" aka bta/frogspawn/brain/fungia... i think he would leave acan's alone. it'll be scary to see it chomping down on a $80-100 polyp though

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keep us posted tigah. did you get yours from jeff's? really interested if it even will nip on lps. i have a recovering blasto that i would be very unhappy to lose to a $30 fish. since i'll be home most of the time after x-mas, maybe a fish will keep my tank interesting. does it really need to be fed 3 times a day.

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I dont think they need to be fed 3 times a day...that would be a bit crazy. I feed mine once a day tho. But I think even every other day would be fine since they spend all day picking at algae on the live rock. Mine has never nipped at any corals yet. But it hasn't beeen too long, so I can't know for sure if that will always be the case.

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I might just have to get one sometime this week. I have the cash to add something small to my tank, and that might be a good choice. I, of course, have no coral in the tank... -_- But I have plenty of algae that he can nip @ since I only got a couple snails to keep the problem down, not eliminate it...

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guess i'm also going to join the test. will pick up a cherub tomorrow after work. supposedly store has three of them going for $15. kinda cheap for an angel. if cherub angels really work in a nano, someone should do a write up to post on nr approved fish thats found on the info page.

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That Pygmy looks kinda cool man. Has he munched on your coral yet Tigah? They are nice looking. I had thought about one but was told by Jeff's (LFS) that they can munch.

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dang, so it looks like the Cherub thing is starting to get off to a good start, so far Tigah's having a good exerpience with his cherub and it seems like some others are going to try it out too... from what he says they don't swim all too much and kind of hover like the 6-line around LR, this is perfect for nano's with lots of rockwork. so as long as you have 20g with ltos of LR, it should give em a lot of area to explore.


as for the munching, if i ever get a cherub, and it nips at my corals... it would be nice to setup a small FOWLR tank; a nice AGA 30L with just LR + a few non-reef safe fish

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I never thought about it that way, FOWLR in case it goes coral crazy. I have a 60 gallon I want to set up FOWLR so that can be a perfect excuse "Listen honey, if we dont get this 60 gallon FOWLR set up, that fish is going to kill all your ricordeas" Haha!

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Originally posted by Cesar

"Listen honey, if we dont get this 60 gallon FOWLR set up, that fish is going to kill all your ricordeas"  Haha!

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