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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Candy cane...lighting


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Another ? is I have 4 candy cane polyps(if thats what you call them). Three of them are in the light, but one is shadowed by the others. Will this cause a broblem.

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I kept candycanes in my Elipse 6 with 32 watts of lighting. The number of polyps doubled before I moved it to my new tank with MH lighting. I even had one that was partly buried in the sand in my Eclipse that survived and is now flourishing. They are pretty tolerant and it sounds like you have enough to keep them...but more is always better.



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The shadowed polyp may shrink and eventually perish depending on whether or not its getting sufficient light. I have a colony with about 20 polyps and a couple are tiny or on their way out due to a similar problem. It's just not possible for me to position the colony so all of the polyps are getting good lighting.

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That's not a guarantee, the ones that were shadowed in my tank stayed smaller, but lived and that was for at least a year in that tank.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i don't have any candy canes.. but reason would have it that they'd extend their tentacles in low current more than in high or moderate currents, since their primary purpose is to gather food.. I may be totally off base though

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  • 2 weeks later...

trying to revive mine from a period of starvation. I remember seeing some about 1/4 inch long but not in a while (since figuring out I should be feeding it, D'OH!). How quickly do they usually take in the food? I'm having a hard time getting it to eat before my other tank critters get to the grub!

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