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Well I'm starting my first nano, 8g 27w PC. What chemicals(calcium and other) do you use and how often. Because this is my first I wont be getting any difficult corals to grow.

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Try the B-Ionic. It has two components, one calcium and the other alkalinity. You put a little of each in the tank everyday and test your levels to see if you need to adjust the dosage. It's very easy.

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Instead of B-Ionic, I would recommend using Sea Chem stuff, Reef Plus and Reef Complete are both two good dosers. I use them both together as well. The Reef Plus is good coral food, and the complete has some calcium and iodine I think... I also use a powdered carbonate by sea chem also... But instead of just focussing on individual chemicals, just try a good all around dose of reef plus for example. If you are just keeping basic soft corals, this should be a good one for you. Hth,


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i also use seachem reef plus, reef complete, calcium, and marine buffer. they are pretty good since they will last me awhile for a 10 gal tank. in addition to them, i also add CaCl2 and NaCO3 soln into the tank since i have access to them at the lab.

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I have recently started using the B-Ionic. Man haas the purple coralline started to grow. It has completely encrusted my titanium heater. I have used tons of other stuff but B-ionic has given me the best results.  I replave trace elements by doing a 15% water change every week.

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Sahin, careful with that microvert when you begin using it!  take the warning label seriously that it can degrade your water quality... i tried to individually feed it to corals with a syringe and i ended up putting way too much in the tank... an algae bloom ensued!

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I use Sea Chem's Reef Complete (1/4 recomended amount), and preform 10% weekly water changes. I have also heard many great things about B-Ionic, but have no experiance with it personally...

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I have used kalkwasser in the past on larger tanks with great results, slow drip all night. On my Nano that I just started I plan to use only water changes. I am using Tropic Marin salt which I have had great results with and have heard is nearly indistingushable from actual sea water. My theory is that if my bio-load is not too high, and I do very frequent water changes (daily or every other day) of about 10% my water should remain very similar to sea water. I am not sure why I would have to use chemicals in this case. I plan to post results and pics as things progress.

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Thanks guys! Refering to the B-Ionic want product do you use? When searching on the intenet I found that there are many B-Ionic additives for your tank.


Also what test kits do you use to test the water? Are there differences in quality in the kits or is it all in the packaging

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