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Oh the things we do for our "fish"...


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So let's go back a month when I started adding a clean up crew. I drop in a turbo and two blue legs to help me with my diatom blooms. While at the LFS I picked up several extra shells for the hermits. On 2 of the 3 I also lucked out with several little dusters, some spaghetti worms, and some baby button polyps. The dusters and the buttons being on the same shel.


From day one all the free guys were out and about doing their thing. But unfortunatly so were the crabs. One in paticular, affectionatly known as little bastard, kept on crawling all over the duster-polyp shell and flipping it over. So much so that I ended up gluing it to a large hunk of rock.


All was well...


A couple of weeks later I noticed the buttons just not opening as well as before. My girlfriend kept saying she thought the duster had grown. And upon closer observation, the duster was at least bending to where it was thumping the polyps. Not knowing if this was the reason for their sudden change, I knifed off part of the shell and glued it down to another shell seperating the buttons from the dusters.


All was well...


I wake up yesterday, and I see little bastard has a new shell. Poor buttons, never a moments rest. So off I go to help the buttons. I end up knifing them back off there new home, placing them down on a small piece of rock, rubber banding some mesh netting over the top of some PVC, and creating a "safety cage" for the poor little guys.


All this for something free!


okay just a ramble.

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hi all, yes they do tend to crawl over everything, closing stuff as they go, all part of the fun of them.


But weighing pro's and cons they're well worth it, just a pain in the ***, hehe,




lee :) :) :)

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My reef tank is costing me so much money. After setting the tank up, I got interested in reef ralated photography, and now spending money buying a newer digital camera and lenses etc.


So, yes, the things we do for our reef tanks. But its all definately well worth it.


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