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Sump on a Nano????


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I was over at Reef Central and in there Nano Reef forum they had a thread about nano's and sumps. Do any of you have a sump on your nano? I always thought most nano's don't need sumps. Maybe a sump just for hiding the heaters and what but, not for extra filtration. There is one guy who has a 10g "nano" but has a 45g sump and a 10g refugium. Do any of you have this? Is this the norm for you since you all have nano's. Do you have sumps also?


I am curious as quite a few of them have sumps on there nano's. But here I never have seen them in members pics or am I missing them.


Personally I never thought you would need a sump. Am I wrong?

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Never had the need. I have a fuge, but I only built that 'cause I wanted to watch the bugs :P . If you set the tank up with enough LR and LS you really don't need any other form of filtration (although, I always like having somewhere to through some chem filtration if needed).

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Jesus Christy, 1000g:o


Sci33 not that I'm flaming you or think it is wrong. I just never heard of nano's using a sump(or was blind and didn't see any b4). Thats why I posted the question here. I just thought that most people have nano's cause they like the small tanks for their simplicity and because there "somewhat" easier to maintain than the larger tanks where a sump is a definite must. I know that they are a bigger challenge in terms of fluctuations in water quality, slainity, heat, etc.

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posted at the same didn't catch your last reply,


I think you summed it up pretty well. There are those people who set up nano's because they are more simple, take up less space, and are just like a reef confined all in one tank. All good reasons. But then, there are people like me who want to do things the best they can. I have already invested well over $1,000 in my 10 gallon nano, excluding all live-stock and I am glad with my investments. Sure you could take my 45 gal sump, refugium and 10 gallon main tank, and have a 60 gallon tank instead, but I'd much rather do things the right way and have a 10 gallon SHOW tank. I guess some main reasons for all the sump water are that first of all there are the obvious 'sump' reasons. Places to put heaters, equipment, extra live rock for filtration (I am trying a 'cryptic zone'), and an area for top off water to diffuse before entering the main tank. Then there are other reasons for a large sump like stability with salinity, pH, calcium/alk, etc. As well as more sump water can allow a larger bioload meaning more fish in the main tank (as long as they stay small and get along).


So why did I get a 45 gallon sump? Because it was the largest I could fit in that spot. I was going for over 100 gallons, too bad.

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why would nano's not need a sump more than a large tank? THEY WOULDN'T "need" or "not need" one more or less than a large tank. why do 100gal tank people have sumps? convience!!!! stability!!!! functionality!!!


you do not NEED a sump on any tank. just nice addition to have and keep things more in line and make life easier.


basically it all boils down to preference!!! if you want a sump have one...if you don't then don't. just make sure you keep the same stability/quality w/ or w/out one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Lunch, I said I didn't think they needed one because most of my time reading threads here almost a year, I don't think I've read about many if any people with sumps on there nano's. All the "beginer's" articles I've read I don't believe said you need a sump for a nano.


I started this thread to see if all of you here at Nanoreef.com have as many sumps on your tanks as the Nano reefers at ReefCentral.com that is all.


I know the benifits of having a sump on a small tank, I KNOW. I just never remember reading about their nececity in a nano before earlier this week.

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Im with Lunchbucket on this one.


You dont NEED a sump, but they can be nice to have. A NANO is simpley a "small" tank. Real-estate and expansion space is at a premium in there,

(like more than 3 bums in a refigerator box) :D

abd a sump will allow for a larger area to plymb all the necessary "addons" to the system without sacreficing asthetics.

it also doubles as a sort of "Fuge" and a great place to add top-of waters to for premixing AND as a way to add stability through increased volume of water in a contained space. For some people, Micromanagement of a Nano VERSUS its compact asthetics is not worth the hastle of worrying about water quality in a volume of 5 gallons when they could have the stability of 13 gallons total and better water filtration.

Just a different spin on it. zzz


I personaly will make them either way. I really like my buddy's 20 Gal - Long tank set in the wall with a 25 gal sump under it. it makes fer a compact setup and doesnt cost much more than if he had no sump on it. So, Sump away.B)

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Well I wish I would have read about this before. I would love to have all the power heads out of my tank and the heater in a sump. It would've been a fun extra project for me. I just never knew that people kept a sump on a nano tis' all.

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