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New urchin


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Hi everyone I am new to reefs I got an urchin for my clean up crew 15 gallon tank. It’s a pincushion — I feel like he is moving slowly( like his spines ) I was told to acclimate Him by putting the bag in the water to temp acclimate. Should I have drip acclimated? I don’t want him to die because I just got him- my salinity is 1.025 , ammonia -0, nitrite-0 , nitrate-5. Temp is around 76-77 degrees 

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Hi! Urchins can be fairly difficult to keep as they are not the most hardiest of creatures. I would have recommended drip acclimation, but by no means does this mean your pincushion is doomed! Many times, new arrivals just need time to settle into their new surroundings.


The parameters you listed above are very good, and should be able to maintain your pincushion. Given that your tank is new, you may not have enough algae to keep him content. If that is the case, you could also supplement feeding with a small strip of nori. Algae will come soon enough if not already present : ) 


Losing spines would be my biggest indicator that something is wrong. As long as you keep your parameters stable, I wouldn't fret too much at this point. 

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Ok I’m new to this site but I think he fel off a rock and lost a spike is that ok or did he actually lose it. I mean I took a video of him in a time lapse and his spines were moving but he is kinda sitting in the same spot. I will add some nori for him but I bought it at a grocery store is that ok or do I need fish brand kind?

47 minutes ago, AiredaleReef said:

Hi! Urchins can be fairly difficult to keep as they are not the most hardiest of creatures. I would have recommended drip acclimation, but by no means does this mean your pincushion is doomed! Many times, new arrivals just need time to settle into their new surroundings.


The parameters you listed above are very good, and should be able to maintain your pincushion. Given that your tank is new, you may not have enough algae to keep him content. If that is the case, you could also supplement feeding with a small strip of nori. Algae will come soon enough if not already present : ) 


Losing spines would be my biggest indicator that something is wrong. As long as you keep your parameters stable, I wouldn't fret too much at this point. 

Ok I’m new to this site but I think he fel off a rock and lost a spike is that ok or did he actually lose it. I mean I took a video of him in a time lapse and his spines were moving but he is kinda sitting in the same spot. I will add some nori for him but I bought it at a grocery store is that ok or do I need fish brand kind?

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Hard to really tell at this point. Could have been from the fall, or just minor stress.  If you begin to see loads falling off on the sanded in the near future  (5,7,10+) I would look to making immediate changes by testing parameters to see if anything has since spiked in hopes you find the issue and are able to correct. 


Nori from the grocery store is fine...Does not need to be from your LFS, or a fish brand. Just be sure it is just Nori and doesn't have any additional seasonings : ) 


Heres to hoping you see some movement and grazing. 

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58 minutes ago, AiredaleReef said:

Hard to really tell at this point. Could have been from the fall, or just minor stress.  If you begin to see loads falling off on the sanded in the near future  (5,7,10+) I would look to making immediate changes by testing parameters to see if anything has since spiked in hopes you find the issue and are able to correct. 


Nori from the grocery store is fine...Does not need to be from your LFS, or a fish brand. Just be sure it is just Nori and doesn't have any additional seasonings : ) 


Heres to hoping you see some movement and grazing. 

Ok thanks where should I put the nori? Would right next to him be a good spot?

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2 hours ago, AiredaleReef said:

Hard to really tell at this point. Could have been from the fall, or just minor stress.  If you begin to see loads falling off on the sanded in the near future  (5,7,10+) I would look to making immediate changes by testing parameters to see if anything has since spiked in hopes you find the issue and are able to correct. 


Nori from the grocery store is fine...Does not need to be from your LFS, or a fish brand. Just be sure it is just Nori and doesn't have any additional seasonings : ) 


Heres to hoping you see some movement and grazing. 

here is a video I am worried about him even though he is moving he isn’t very much🥺

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You did a good job with the nori. I would have placed it next to him as well. Looks like things are going well so far. Just give it some time and see if he grazes around the tank. Not much else you can do at this point. 

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3 minutes ago, AiredaleReef said:

You did a good job with the nori. I would have placed it next to him as well. Looks like things are going well so far. Just give it some time and see if he grazes around the tank. Not much else you can do at this point. 

Ok I will thanks and I will update you if anything happens 

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Yes he did I am noticing him move around the tank!

9 hours ago, AiredaleReef said:

Did the Urchin survive the week? 

Yes he did and Im nothing him move around the tank!

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