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Valentini vs Blue Spotted Puffer


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Can anyone explain to me why the requirements of a Blue Spotted are generally a 50 gallon compared to a Valentini at 30? Through my research, it seems that they are almost identical fish, just different patterns. I would love a blue spotted but don't want to stress or abuse one for my benefit.

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  • tdannhauser30 changed the title to Valentini vs Blue Spotted Puffer

Probably has to do with personality – sometimes that's the main difference between species.

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11 hours ago, mcarroll said:

Probably has to do with personality – sometimes that's the main difference between species.

Hmm ok. The personalities sound quite identical between the two reading descriptions online. That being said, I do understand only so much trust can be put into short overviews of fish on the Internet. I guess I was hoping someone would chime in and say they are very similar and ease my moral dilemma....wishful thinking.


appreciate the response mcarroll.

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I haven't really read up on what they are like in the wild yet....that might be interesting, if you haven't already done that.

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3 hours ago, mcarroll said:

I haven't really read up on what they are like in the wild yet....that might be interesting, if you haven't already done that.

Please send a link if you find anything about blue spotted puffers in the wild. From my (brief) research, I have not found much of anything. Have found they are of least concern to be endangered, don't breed in captivity, and other not helpful tidbits. I was able to find a bit of info about Valentini puffers in the wild, but again not very helpful lol. 

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From a quick Google....try this.  Not a lot appeared directly on the topic....that talks around it (about this fish's group), but in some interesting ways.

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...just reading the abstract brought back PTSD from college, thanks mcarroll. No, in all seriousness thank you, hard to find any info. Not a commonly researched fish. Incredible how deep they are found, I had no idea.

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Well, I saw plenty of research that includes them, but A LOT of it relates to production of (useful?) toxins OR their inclusion in palatability tests of different organisms (eg sponges).  🤷‍♂️

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