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Clam of the sort


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So went to Petco today to pick out some sand for the new tank, and I was blown away that they had zoa colonies for sale, and cheap too, so picked up a small colony of eagle eyes, and noticed a clam on the rock when I installed in the 2.5 after acclimation. Sorta looks like a fresh water clam. What kind of clam is this?



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Well, it's definitely not freshwater, considering it's been living in there for long enough to have coral grow on that rock. 


Neat find, though I'm not sure what species. Keep an eye on that round lump below it; that looks like something else, maybe a limpet? 


Clams can do well in established tanks with plenty of plankton and whatnot in the water. In the absence of that (and/or in pico tanks), they do best when fed with small particle foods, like phytoplankton. I'm not sure if they can take advantage of Reef Roids. 

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1 minute ago, Tired said:

Well, it's definitely not freshwater, considering it's been living in there for long enough to have coral grow on that rock. 


Neat find, though I'm not sure what species. Keep an eye on that round lump below it; that looks like something else, maybe a limpet? 


Clams can do well in established tanks with plenty of plankton and whatnot in the water. In the absence of that (and/or in pico tanks), they do best when fed with small particle foods, like phytoplankton. I'm not sure if they can take advantage of Reef Roids. 

I noticed that as well, lady at Petsmart actually new her stuff, very impressed, she mentioned that it could be a sponge possibly. Didn't think about a limpet, definitely keeping an eye out. Hopefully tomorrow when the tank gets full lighting, maybe I can get a better look.


They adapted very well in about 15 min of introduction into tank, can't say the same for the king midas frag I got a week ago, it comes and goes, seems very temperamental. The clam though...got me curious for sure. 

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