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Shrimp Experts Help !


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Bought a cleaner yesterday. Just floated for 30 and dropped him in. Now he’s laying on his side just moving his Antenna, and his back “fins” (pictured). I’m sure he’s just molting as all my other inverts are fine/ thriving. What concerns me is how the legs are curled up. To me that’s a universal morbid sign? Parameters are normal, corals fine ( even the goni is out)  Any insight Is appreciated. 



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Generally you don't witness them molting (they are usually hidden when they do this).  Are you sure that this isn't a molt and the flow is moving its antennae?  Shrimp can be particularly sensitive to parameter changes (like specific gravity), and can sometimes be poor shippers.  I hope yours is OK.

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9 minutes ago, seabass said:

Generally you don't witness them molting (they are usually hidden when they do this).  Are you sure that this isn't a molt and the flow is moving its antennae?  Shrimp can be particularly sensitive to parameter changes (like specific gravity), and can sometimes be poor shippers.  I hope yours is OK.

Not entirely sure at all it’s molting, more just hoping. Also the back fins part (still not sure what those are called have to look that up) we’re making me hopeful. I know the lfs I got him from keeps their salinity on the low end, but I didn’t drip any of my other inverts just floated. I guess shrimps need to be dripped?Hoping for the best. Thanks for your response. 

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I hope your shrimp pulled through. Like Seabass said, they can be a bit fragile. I put my inverts into a bowl and slowly exchange water until they have acclimated from the LFS water into my tank water.

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