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Cultivated Reef

1st Post of Nano Cube Pics


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This is my tank. It's been running for about 3 months. I've also been using it as a frag tank. I should be clearing some of the frags soon to make it cleaner looking. I'd also like to add do some surface skimming without doing the teeth route.





added 24w PC (48w total now, both ballast in hood)

added 1 fan

added 6 1w moonlights

Took out sponges put LR rubble and Chaeto in back

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Thanks all!


I don't have the DX model(it wasn't out at the time.. wish it were). I added another 24w JBJ ballast and bulb. Both my ballast are installed in the hood but I have no heat problems with my single fan. The tank maintains 77-78 degrees. I modelled mine after another nano-reefer here.


I dose 1/2 cap of Seachem reefplus and 1/2 cap of Kent coral-vite once a week. The xenias seem to love the stuff and pulse like crazy when supplements are added.

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Actually that's not white at all but yellow. It's a yellow leather that I had just got the day I took the picture. It's a real nice yellow color under the lights. I've been looking for one for a couple of weeks now. I can't wait to frag/propogate it


I'll post another picture I took yesterday which will be much clearer when I get home from work.

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Here's my current livestock:


6 line wrasse


5 astrea snails

2 tiny emerald crabs

bubble bee snail

2 red legged hermits

5 blue legged hermits (super tiny)

1 peppermint shrimp in the back compartment(don't know how he got there - used to be in tank up front)


The firefish is extremely shy though and is hardly out. The bumble bee snail I also hardly ever see.


I'm gonna get a couple of nassarius snails tonight to work on the sandbed and hopefully some sort of shrimp some time in the future.

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Better Picture.




Removed 2 of the Astrea snails

Put in 10 nassarius snails (super tiny)

Put in 5 netrite snails (1/2 size of Astreas)

Siphoned the sand and did water change





The nassarius snails(1/5 size of Astrea snails) immediately dug themselves in the sand and hopefully they'll keep it stirred.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey tvu!! AWSOME!!! I have the same cube and wanted to upgrade the lighting on it. Itook the hood apart the other day but I courldn't seem to figure out how to do it without damaging the reflector. can you healp me out ??

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