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Coral Vue Hydros

A leach in my tank?


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Is there such a thing as a salt-water leach?


It's perched right under a rock overhang in my NanoCube and it seems to have a friend. It's tubular, black and white and keeps probing nearby. It doesn't look like the arm of a starfish because the ends of it 'flare out' as if there was a mouth in there.


I'm sorry, but I have no pics of this guy. Anyone seen anything like that before?



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I doubt it. I've seen young snails before - both Nassarius and Astrea and this looks NOTHING like either. It really looks like a leach - stretching out and opening its mouth. It maybe filter feeding, but it's rather disturbing to see it and not know what it is. I'll try to take a picture of it if I can.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by uchiha

a black slug maybe?  i have some that look like snails just w/o shells...




I've noticed a steady increase in these guys in the last two weeks or so. They mainly come out at night. They have the same foot and mouth as my turbo's, and they are about the same size, they just don't have shells.


Any ideas?



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