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Dosing coral feed - advice/suggestions sought


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I have a 90 litre nano. 


I started off adding manually salifert coral feed. But have moved over to AB+ coral food. I've got a dosing pump that I had set up to feed the corals whilst away on holiday. I want the dosing to be a permanent set-up as I'm trying to automate as much as I can. Have already automated water changes with good success. 

My issue is that in the dosing container, the AB+ has gone mouldy, and it looks a bit off whilst sitting in the pipeline. Bare in mind, it's only getting a couple of millilitres a day. 


So, how would you dose coral food? 

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20 minutes ago, barkingwithdogs said:

I have a 90 litre nano. 


I started off adding manually salifert coral feed. But have moved over to AB+ coral food. I've got a dosing pump that I had set up to feed the corals whilst away on holiday. I want the dosing to be a permanent set-up as I'm trying to automate as much as I can. Have already automated water changes with good success. 

My issue is that in the dosing container, the AB+ has gone mouldy, and it looks a bit off whilst sitting in the pipeline. Bare in mind, it's only getting a couple of millilitres a day. 


So, how would you dose coral food? 

Thats because the AB+ needs to be refrigerated. So using a doser isn't going to work unless you can keep the product refrigerated. 


I dosed this 1 time a week manually.


I stopped because i got a lot of algae.


Preferred phyto dosing and reef roids. Both still dosed manually

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On 10/6/2021 at 1:50 AM, barkingwithdogs said:

I have a 90 litre nano. 


I started off adding manually salifert coral feed. But have moved over to AB+ coral food. I've got a dosing pump that I had set up to feed the corals whilst away on holiday. I want the dosing to be a permanent set-up as I'm trying to automate as much as I can. Have already automated water changes with good success. 

My issue is that in the dosing container, the AB+ has gone mouldy, and it looks a bit off whilst sitting in the pipeline. Bare in mind, it's only getting a couple of millilitres a day. 


So, how would you dose coral food? 

I dose this every night in my 250 litre tank. When I had my 90 litre I used half of what they recommended and still got the good results without the algae (I also dosed it daily in that tank). I have read that ab+ lasts a week out of the fridge so u should measure out how much you need for a week and put that in the dosing container with the actual bottle in the fridge.

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I've been dosing AB+ for a couple of months now and I just dose it through my ATO. I know my ATO lasts 6-7 days, so I put 6 days worth of AB+ in the ATO. Just make sure you rinse your ATO bucket well before you refill it back up and keep the bottle in the fridge.

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On 10/5/2021 at 11:50 AM, barkingwithdogs said:

I have a 90 litre nano. 


I started off adding manually salifert coral feed. But have moved over to AB+ coral food. I've got a dosing pump that I had set up to feed the corals whilst away on holiday. I want the dosing to be a permanent set-up as I'm trying to automate as much as I can. Have already automated water changes with good success. 

My issue is that in the dosing container, the AB+ has gone mouldy, and it looks a bit off whilst sitting in the pipeline. Bare in mind, it's only getting a couple of millilitres a day. 


So, how would you dose coral food? 

No fish in this tank?  Fish usually feed the corals for you based on what you feed the fish.   I don't think what you're dosing counts as food – its use should be discontinued.  From their website it sounds more like a carbon dosing strategy.  AVOID.


(Not what you were looking for I know, but I hope it helps just the same.)

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