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what should i get for my tank


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size 20 long


livestock halichores melanurus, (1) aphimiron clarkii (male) (1) paracirrithes arcatus (1) eniscius bicolor (1) 


corals and nems: zoa rock, idk what kind but its happy as a clam big LTA gsp thats loosing to briopsis. i think that whats happening is it is hard to tell though. its hard for the briopsis to establish on other rocks but i cant uproot it. it might be doomed. i tried using a sharp edge brush to remove it to no avail 


other livestock: sea lettuce, random gracilaria i found starting to grow in my tank, ruby crab (emerald crab equivalent), hermits, snails. 


equipment: relassy 300w, 530 gph magnet pump, 40 lb fiji pink, ocean rock. i also have a ato. 


perams, salinity 25-26 (its hard to tell on my refractometer)  nitrate (15) calc alk mag (i assume good, my anenome is very happy and has grown/colored up a little. zoas open really quickly also.) i dont test ammonia because its irrelevant. i would only get ammonia if my tank was crashing. 

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No more fish, 4 in a 20gal is fully stocked. That wrasse needs a bigger tank anyway, they're very active. 


I'd say cleaner shrimp, but the hawkfish would slaughter it. When you move the wrasse to a more suitable tank, you could get a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp, the pistol should stay out of hawkfish range. 


You probably shouldn't buy new corals while you have an algae problem. Once that's fixed, anthelia or xenia are cool-looking and fast-growing, but should be confined to their own rock. Acan lords (technically micromussa lords) are always nice. Ricordea mushrooms are pretty. Leptoseris are a neat, hardy encrusting coral with a really nice color intensity. 

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Just now, Tired said:

No more fish, 4 in a 20gal is fully stocked. That wrasse needs a bigger tank anyway, they're very active. 


I'd say cleaner shrimp, but the hawkfish would slaughter it. When you move the wrasse to a more suitable tank, you could get a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp, the pistol should stay out of hawkfish range. 


You probably shouldn't buy new corals while you have an algae problem. Once that's fixed, anthelia or xenia are cool-looking and fast-growing, but should be confined to their own rock. Acan lords (technically micromussa lords) are always nice. Ricordea mushrooms are pretty. Leptoseris are a neat, hardy encrusting coral with a really nice color intensity. 

the wrasse is a juvinile now. i plan to have a 40 gallon at least in a couple months. im considering ricordea but they are like 23$ is that good for them? 

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@Tired heres my lfs stock. i got 110$. Marine -Snail /Nassarius S$1.10


Marine Coral - Assorted Zoa Frag$20.00


Marine Coral- Euphyllia Hammer frag$30.00


Marine Live Coral/Blue Sympodium M$60.00


Marine- Anemone Saddle Colored M$55.00


Marine- Flamingo Tongue$7.00


Marine- Shrimp Saaron Monkey Green$5.00


Marine-Anemone / Flower Red Ultra$30.00


Marine-Anemone / Long Tentacle Anemone$35.00


Marine-Anemone / Magnificent (radianthus magnifica)$15.00


Marine-Anemone / Pacific Green Flower Anemone$20.00


Marine-Anemone /Flower Green Ultra$18.00

Marine-Anemone Green Saddle Carpet (Stichodactyla haddoni)



Marine-Anemone Long Tentacle Purple S$130.00


Marine-Anemone Mini Maxi$50.00


Marine-Anemone Red Bottom Radianthus Sp$10.00


Marine-Anemone Tube Color$15.00


Marine-Anemone/Bubble (entacmaea quadricolor)$30.00


Marine-Angel / Emperor$170.00


Marine-Angel / Keyhole Angel - Centropyge tibicen$20.00


Marine-Angel 6 Barred Euxiphipops Sextriatus$80.00


Marine-Angel/Atlantic Pygmy$35.00




Marine-Angel/Coral Beauty CEBU$15.00




Marine-Angel/Flagfin M$80.00




Marine-Anthias Randalli Male$55.00




Marine-Anthias/Red Belted$33.00










Marine-Basslet/Gramma Royal$20.00


Marine-Blenny / ForkTail (Meiacanthus Atrodorsalis)$10.00


Marine-Blenny / Two Spot$15.00


Marine-Blenny/ Black Sailfin (Atrosalarias fuscus)$30.00


Marine-Blenny/Gold Midas$40.00


Marine-Butterfly / Raccoon 2''-3''$30.00


Marine-Butterfly / Zoster$80.00


Marine-Butterfly Diamond Hemitaurichthys Polylipes$26.00


Marine-Butterfly/Auriga Threadfin$16.00


Marine-Butterfly/Falcula False S$80.00


Marine-Butterfly/Heniochus Black and White$35.00




Marine-Cardinal/Broad Striped (A. Angustatus)$10.00




Marine-Chromis/Orange Line$5.00


Marine-Clam / Maxima Ultra$115.00


Marine-Clam / Maxima Ultra Large$130.00


Marine-Clown / Black Saddle Back (A. Polymnus)$23.00


Marine-Clown / Blacker Ice Snowflake$10.00


Marine-Clown / Goldflake Maroon Clown (P.biaculeatus)$55.00


Marine-Clown / Lightning Maroon Clown (P.biaculeatus)$60.00


Marine-Clown / Ocellaris 'PA'$14.00


Marine-Clown / Ocellaris Black Ice$60.00


Marine-Clown / Ocellaris Snowflake$40.00


Marine-Clown / Orange Skunk Lg$40.00


Marine-Clown / Percula$24.00


Marine-Clown / Red Tomato Amp. Frenatus$23.99


Marine-Clown / Sebae$7.00


Marine-Clown / Semi Onyx SPECIAL$50.00


Marine-Clown / Spotcinctus$40.00


Marine-Clown /Ocellaris Clown TR$16.00


Marine-Clown/Gold Nugget 'PA'$50.00


Marine-Clown/Hail Storm$120.00


Marine-Clown/Naked Ocellaris$40.00


Marine-Clown/Onyx Picasso Premium$80.00


Marine-Clown/Orange Domino$50.50


Marine-Clown/Pink Skunk$23.00


Marine-Clown/Super Storm$110.00


Marine-Clownfish / Saddle Back$25.00


Marine-Clownfish / Clarkii Solomon Island$25.00


Marine-Clownfish / Orange Skunk$18.00


Marine-Clownfish/ Caramel Ocellaris$60.00


Marine-Clownfish/ Gold X Lightning Maroon$70.00


Marine-Clownfish/ ORA Zombie Ocellaris Clownfish$75.00


Marine-Clownfish/ Stubby Ocellaris$35.00


Marine-Cocoworm/ Real Red$95.00




Marine-Conch/Sand Tiger$4.00


Marine-Crab / Halloween Hermit (dardanus medistos)$9.00


Marine-Crab / Red Emerald$4.00


Marine-Crab /Assorted Hermit Crab$1.50


Marine-Crab /Porcelain Blue (Petrolisthes galathinus)$11.00






Marine-Crab/Pom Pom$8.00


Marine-Crab/Sally Lightfoot$10.00


Marine-Damsel / Blue Neon$5.00


Marine-Damsel / Lemon$5.00


Marine-Damsel / Pink Pomacentrus Amboinensis$5.00








Marine-Dottyback / Bicolor$17.00


Marine-Dottyback / Orchid ORA$40.00


Marine-Dottyback / Splendid$50.00




Marine-Dragonet / Red Scooter (Synchiropus stellatus)$20.00


Marine-Dragonet/Scooter Md$11.00


Marine-Eel / Garden$18.00


Marine-Eel / Snowflake Moray$30.00

Marine-Filefish/ ORA Tank Raised Aiptasia Eating Filefish



Marine-Frag/ Assorted$20.00

Marine-Goby / Bella sand sifting VALENCIENNEA BELLA



Marine-Goby / Panda$16.00


Marine-Goby / Wheeler's (Amblyeleotris wheeleri)$11.00


Marine-Goby/ ORA Yellow Watchman T.R.$27.00








Marine-Goby/Sleeper Bella Rare$120.00






Marine-Hawkfish / pink$13.00


Marine-Hawkfish / Spotted$15.00


Marine-Hawkfish/Arc Eye$37.00


Marine-Hermit Crab / Scarlet Claw$3.50






Marine-Live Coral/Assorted 15$15.00


Marine-Live Coral/Assorted $20$20.00


Marine-Live Coral/Assorted 40$40.00


Marine-Live Coral/Bubble Green$90.00


Marine-Live Coral/Duncan Coral Per Polyp$13.00


Marine-Live Coral/Pectinia$120.00


Marine-Live/Coral Sun Polyp$30.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Assorted Torch LG$100.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Assorted Torch MED$75.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Assorted Torch SML$50.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Euphyllia Glabrescens - Gold M$265.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Gorgonia / Corky Finger$22.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Hydnophora - Green M$44.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Purple Whip Gorgonia$22.00


Marine-LiveCoral / RED REGAL SEA FAN$22.00


Marine-LiveCoral / Yellow/Red Finger Gorgonia$25.00


Marine-LiveCoral/ Acropora Microclados - Red M$85.00


Marine-LiveCoral/ Acropora Tenuis - Blue M$85.00


Marine-LiveCoral/ ORA Neon Green Polyp Acro$55.00

Marine-LiveCoral/ ORA Nuclear Green Elkhorn Montipora



Marine-LiveCoral/ ORA Red Planet Acropora$80.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Acanthastrea Lord Red SUPER$494.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Acanthastrea Maxima Metallic$204.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Assorted $30$30.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Assorted Colored Plate$35.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Assorted Designer Mushroom$100.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Assorted LPS Select$65.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Assorted Mushroom Colony$60.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Assorted Sand Polyp$35.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Assorted Scolymia$156.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Asst. Brain$120.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Asst. Euphyllia$140.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Blastomussa Wellsi MultiColor$162.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Bleeding Apple Scolymia$440.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Bubble Coral$90.00


Marine-LiveCoral/CandyCane Caulastrea Frag$20.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Colt Soft Coral Md - Cladiella$45.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Combo Rock$189.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Cynarina Red Metallic$105.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Echinophyllia/ Chalice$90.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Echinopora Special$278.00




Marine-LiveCoral/Goniopora Assorted$55.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Goniopora sp.$80.00




Marine-LiveCoral/Meat Coral (Acanthophyllia)$360.00


Marine-LiveCoral/ORA Turquoise Staghorn Acro$50.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Orange sun (tubastreasp.)$70.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Pagoda Cup Coral$40.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Pipe Organ (Tubipora Musica)$50.00


Marine-LiveCoral/PomPom Xenia$45.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Red War Meteor. Favia$95.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Ricordia Assorted$23.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Scolymia Australis Solid Color$120.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Scolymia Special Double Head$1,200.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Scolymia Warpaint$425.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Sun Coral (Dendrophyllia Sp.)$76.00




Marine-LiveCoral/Tongue Coral Orange Special$250.00


Marine-LiveCoral/Trachyphyllia Assorted$113.00




Marine-Parrotfish Red$10.00


Marine-Pipefish / Fire (Doryrhamphus Janssi)$25.00


Marine-Pipefish/Blue Line$53.00




Marine-Puffer / Porcupine DIODON HYSTRIX$35.00


Marine-Puffer/Saddle CANTHIGASTER VALENTINE$15.00


Marine-Rabbit Fish / Foxface LO VULPINUS$25.00


Marine-Rabbitfish / Fiji Foxface$115.00




Marine-Scallop / Flame : Electric - Lima scabra spp.$20.00



Marine-Shrimp / Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes Pedersoni)



Marine-Shrimp / Bumble Bee (Gnathophyllum sp.)$15.00


Marine-Shrimp / Fire XL$140.00


Marine-Shrimp / Gold Coral Banded Zanzibar$23.00


Marine-Shrimp / Golden Banded Stenopus Hispidus$15.00

Marine-Shrimp / Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera Picta)



Marine-Shrimp / Yellow Banded Coral$36.00


Marine-Shrimp/Cleaner HIPPOLYSMATA GRABHAMI$33.00






Marine-Shrimp/Sexy Shrimp$14.00


Marine-Shrimp/Tiger Pistol$20.00


Marine-Shrimp/Violet Boxing$25.00


Marine-Snail / Astrea Ninja Star$1.75


Marine-Snail / Trochus$5.00


Marine-Snail/Astrea Tecta Turbo$0.76


Marine-Snail/Black&Pink Margarita$1.40






Marine-Snails/Mexican / Zebra Turbo (turbo fluctuosa)$2.75

Marine-Starfish / Chocolate Chip PROTOREASTER NODOSUS



Marine-Starfish /Orange Linkia$50.00




Marine-Starfish/Coment (Herbivore)$20.00




Marine-Surgeon Black$15.00

Marine-Sweetlips / Oblique-Banded Sweetlips (P. Lineatus)



Marine-Sweetlips / Striped Sweetlips (P. Diagramus)$25.00


Marine-Tang / Powder Brown S (Acanthurus japonicus)$33.00


Marine-Tang / Scopas ZEBRASOMA SCOPAS$20.00


Marine-Tang Naso Lipstick Naso Lituratus$20.00

Marine-Tang Orange stripe bristletooth CTENOCHAETUS STRIATUS



Marine-Tang/ Blonde Naso M$70.00


Marine-Tang/ Yellow Eye Kole$75.00




Marine-Tang/Black Shoulder$62.10


Marine-Tang/Clown ACANTHURUS LINEATUS$93.00


Marine-Tang/Powder Blue$75.00


Marine-Tang/Sailfin Desjardinii$52.00


Marine-Tang/Sailfin ZEBRASOMA VELIFERUM$33.00




Marine-Trigger / Blue Throat *PAIR*$150.00


Marine-Trigger Boomerang Suflamen Bursa$15.00


Marine-Urchin Heart$15.00


Marine-Urchin Tuxedo Orange$15.00


Marine-Urchin/Pin Cushion$10.00



Marine-Worm / Feather Duster: Assorted - Sabellastarte sp.



Marine-Worm/Feather Duster$10.00


Marine-Wrasse / Coris: Yellow Md - Halichoeres chrysus$10.00

Marine-Wrasse / Fairy Temmink's CIRRHILABRUS TEMMINCKI


Marine-Wrasse / Fairy: Filamented Flasher - Paracheilinus filamentosus



Marine-Wrasse / Social (cirrhilabrus rubriventralis)$24.00


Marine-Wrasse Bicolor Cleaner$10.00


Marine-Wrasse Brunneus Fairy cirrhlabrus brunneus$88.00


Marine-Wrasse Leopard Macropharyngodon Bipatitus$40.00


Marine-Wrasse Leopard Macropharyngodon meleagris$15.00

Marine-Wrasse Leopard Moyeri (macropharyngodon moyeri)



Marine-Wrasse Marble HALICHOERES HORTULANOS$10.00


Marine-Wrasse Matara / macroparyngodon kuiteri$15.00

Marine-Wrasse Orange Tipped Pair Haichoeres Melanurus



Marine-Wrasse Picture (Halichoeres Nebulosus)$15.00


Marine-Wrasse Sailfin Fairy (Cirrhilabrus cyanogularis)$135.00


Marine-Wrasse Six Line (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)$15.00


Marine-Wrasse/ Blue Throat Sailfin Fairy$120.00


Marine-Wrasse/Blue Streak Cleaner$17.00


Marine-Wrasse/Brown Bird S$17.00

Marine-Wrasse/Exquisite Fairy CIRRHILABRUS EXUISITUS



Marine-Wrasse/Pastel Green Blotch$8.30


Marine-Wrasse/Red Line HALICHOERES BIOCELLATUS$25.00


Marine-Wrasse/Tube Lip Labropsis Australis$15.00


Moorish Idol M$35.00

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Holy cow, I can't read all that!

I like the advice above, get all the inverts that interest you, you could put a lot in there with a minimal bio-load increase.

There are some really awsome and unusual things out there that will catch your eye and make you happier with your tank.  Rock flower anemone, ricordea shrooms, gorgonian, crazy snails, etc.

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That is way too much reading. 


Don't buy the flamingo tongue, those don't survive in captivity. Also, be very wary of any LFS that sells animals which are doomed in captivity, like that one. 


Don't get any sort of shrimp-shaped thing, the hawkfish will slaughter it. 


SPS are best for an established tank. You could try a hardier one like an encrusting montipora, if you're willing to take the chance of it dying, but you should probably make sure you can grow LPS nicely first. 


If you're getting a new tank in a couple months, why not save up for that tank? That's an expensive venture. 

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Sorry to be the voice of negativity but $110 minus the cost of whatever livestock you get doesn't seem very much in case anything goes wrong....I thought you were doing a small tank, and/or a rack, anyway? You'll need to save up for both of those. 

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2 hours ago, InAtTheDeepEnd said:

Sorry to be the voice of negativity but $110 minus the cost of whatever livestock you get doesn't seem very much in case anything goes wrong....I thought you were doing a small tank, and/or a rack, anyway? You'll need to save up for both of those. 

i want to get this tank stocked before i do that. i dont like looking at a empty tank. i also did some research on briopsis and i dont think it will afflict anyhtijng new i put inside the tank. i think that it is because the briopsis isnt sexually reproducing and is only growing through its roots at the moment. 

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4 hours ago, InAtTheDeepEnd said:

Sorry to be the voice of negativity but $110 minus the cost of whatever livestock you get doesn't seem very much in case anything goes wrong....I thought you were doing a small tank, and/or a rack, anyway? You'll need to save up for both of those. 

i want to get this tank stocked before i do that. i dont like looking at a empty tank. i also did some research on briopsis and i dont think it will afflict anyhtijng new i put inside the tank. i think that it is because the briopsis isnt sexually reproducing and is only growing through root 

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2 minutes ago, Tired said:

Emergency supplies for a reef disaster can easily run $100. Particularly if we're talking about setting up a new tank. 

i have most of the supplies i need i think. i have spare pumps and everything else i need. i dont expect to have a reef disaster any time soon because i set my tank up to be stable. the worst that could happen is my ato goes haywire and i have to manually fill or it overflows with rodi but the salinity only changes by as much as 1 ppt 

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And what happens if something turns out to be sick? What happens if your heater breaks? Do you have supplies for if the power goes out? Do you have enough salt for multiple big water changes if something poisonous gets spilled in the tank? 

As a general rule, nobody expects disasters. That's the problem with them, they're unexpected. No tank in the world is in a condition where nothing serious can go wrong with it.

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