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Frogspawns are unhappy?


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On one of them, the base of the polyps appears to be white. Coral otherwise opens up fully. The other Frogspawn has good coloration but isn't opening up fully. Is this normal behavior or could it be indicating problems?


They're in a 2.6g Pico reef with moderate flow and aren't being blasted by the pump (video of flow). Nitrates are between 2-5ppm and phosphates were 0.03ppm last time I checked. I don't test for Ca/Alk/Mg but I do bi-weekly 50% water changes with Red Sea Coral Pro salt. Only tank inhabitants are a Cleaner Shrimp and Hermit Crab (neither appear to harass the corals) and a chalice which appears happy.


The lighting is a Kessil A80 Tuna Blue mounted 5" above the water line. The corals sit roughly 4" beneath the water. The light was at around 80-90% power but I've turned it down to 50% just to see if the intensity was the problem. I didn't think power would be an issue with this light - it's a 15w fixture and from videos I've seen, it puts out ~150 PAR at the surface at full power when mounted 12".



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28 minutes ago, ReachTheSky said:

bi-weekly 50% water changes with Red Sea Coral Pro salt.

I know due to the elevated levels of minerals found within the Red Sea Coral Pro Salt, Red Sea recommends 10% per week and no more than 30% at a time.  I’ve read stories where the Pro version can spike minerals and cause coral issues in your tank.  One reason I use Red Sea Salt blue bucket instead.

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3 hours ago, Seadragon said:

I know due to the elevated levels of minerals found within the Red Sea Coral Pro Salt, Red Sea recommends 10% per week and no more than 30% at a time.  I’ve read stories where the Pro version can spike minerals and cause coral issues in your tank.  One reason I use Red Sea Salt blue bucket instead.

Ahh, that's interesting. Thank you! Is there a URL where I can read more about that? I can't seem to find any information on their website or others.


I don't mix the salt myself, I get water from the LFS. I'll call around to see if other stores in the area use a different salt. I know of one that sells natural seawater but I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

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36 minutes ago, ReachTheSky said:

Is there a URL where I can read more about that? I can't seem to find any information on their website or others.


Of course, I got it from https://www.redseafish.com/myrecipe/recipe


Here's a screenshot that should help:



Here's a YT video where Robin Marks (Technical Product Manager @ Red Sea)/Red Sea recommends a 10% water change per week or do not exceed 30% at a time.




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Green boi looks bigger and happier today. Think turning down the light might've done the trick. I'll keep an eye on them. Also ordered the Reef Foundation test kit, just to be sure the Alk isn't swinging around too wildly causing stress.


LFS rents out Apogee PAR meters. I might do that just to test how much light this little thing is putting out.

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