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Monti growing or dying?

Xj reefing

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44 minutes ago, Xj reefing said:

Should I try and slowly up the magnesium?

I’ll defer to others on that, I’m no expert. I’m just getting ready to start dosing my tank. My observation and suggestion is based on the fact that you have only one new coral that may or may not be having an issue but your other corals look good so I’d be reluctant to make any big changes.


Times I’ve done the most damage in my tanks have been times when I’ve overreacted and made big changes and then created a bigger problem than I started with.

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4 hours ago, banasophia said:

I’ll defer to others on that, I’m no expert. I’m just getting ready to start dosing my tank. My observation and suggestion is based on the fact that you have only one new coral that may or may not be having an issue but your other corals look good so I’d be reluctant to make any big changes.


Times I’ve done the most damage in my tanks have been times when I’ve overreacted and made big changes and then created a bigger problem than I started with.

I agree.


1200 mag isn't a huge issue, and your ca and alk are fine.


If you look online, the recommendations for mag levels seems to vary. 


If its only the 1 coral unhappy, i wouldn't make any drastic changes for it, the only thing i would do is possibly move it. 

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So, here's another thought I had. Monti eating nudibranches can leave a similar look as they feed on a coral. Seeing as you have a wrasse, it would be unlikely you'd see any nudibranches during the day since the wrasse will gladly eat them. Once the tank is totally dark after sunset, take a flashlight and see if you see any little white frilly things on the monti.  These guys only eat montipora, so wouldn't affect anything else in the tank.


I had them on the first monti frag I bought, but a good coral dip and super glue on any area of the coral that didn't look completely healthy cured it for me.


If it's not that, like others have suggested, I'd check on phosphates, making sure you haven't reached absolute zero. But again, everything else in your tank looks great, so don't do anything fast or drastic.

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5 hours ago, empresto said:

So, here's another thought I had. Monti eating nudibranches can leave a similar look as they feed on a coral. Seeing as you have a wrasse, it would be unlikely you'd see any nudibranches during the day since the wrasse will gladly eat them. Once the tank is totally dark after sunset, take a flashlight and see if you see any little white frilly things on the monti.  These guys only eat montipora, so wouldn't affect anything else in the tank.


I had them on the first monti frag I bought, but a good coral dip and super glue on any area of the coral that didn't look completely healthy cured it for me.


If it's not that, like others have suggested, I'd check on phosphates, making sure you haven't reached absolute zero. But again, everything else in your tank looks great, so don't do anything fast or drastic.

Ok I will check for them tonight.


8 hours ago, Clown79 said:

I agree.


1200 mag isn't a huge issue, and your ca and alk are fine.


If you look online, the recommendations for mag levels seems to vary. 


If its only the 1 coral unhappy, i wouldn't make any drastic changes for it, the only thing i would do is possibly move it. 

Should I try moving it to a lower light area?

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35 minutes ago, Murphych said:

Ah that's not bad, little high but nothing to worry about. My Montis have been under 0.1 for a couple weeks with out any issues.

Good to know. I have moved it to a area not as direct in light but still in good flow.

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I'll take some pictures later but I fragged my Hirsuta 3 ways.

  • One right under the light full flow on the glass. Lovely colour on the top, black underneath, slow growth
  • One on a bit of rock low down low flow moderate light, lovely colour, very slow to no growth
  • One in low flow low light, very bleached appearance, all polyps extended, black in the centre of the piece where it is just covered in algae, growth is massive. This frag is 4 or 5 times the size of the others.

Try breaking some off and moving it to another area. Montis are funny things but even once you think it's gone, white and no polyps, 4 weeks later.... New growth, new polyps, everything is cool again. 


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2 hours ago, Murphych said:

I'll take some pictures later but I fragged my Hirsuta 3 ways.

  • One right under the light full flow on the glass. Lovely colour on the top, black underneath, slow growth
  • One on a bit of rock low down low flow moderate light, lovely colour, very slow to no growth
  • One in low flow low light, very bleached appearance, all polyps extended, black in the centre of the piece where it is just covered in algae, growth is massive. This frag is 4 or 5 times the size of the others.

Try breaking some off and moving it to another area. Montis are funny things but even once you think it's gone, white and no polyps, 4 weeks later.... New growth, new polyps, everything is cool again. 


I would have thought that fragging it now when it’s not healthy would not be a good idea

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