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Coral Vue Hydros

Flaming prawn goby


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Is anyone selling a flaming prawn goby (Discordipinna griessingeri) or know of online sellers that have the goby in-stock? 



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The Rainy Day Aquarium

I got mine off of Live Aquaria. Every 10-20 years it seems they get some in.

Aka they are very, very hard to track down. I would ask your lfs to try ordering them for you, but from what I understand most suppliers struggle to get them in the first place. Most if not all of them are going to be wild caught and are tiny fish so it makes it hard for divers to collect them. Mix that in with fishing regulations and so on and you'll need to be willing to dish out $300+ US for a pair. (Your milage may vary on prices but most stores sell them for around $150-200ish per fish)


They are generally easy to keep though might need live food until you can transition them onto frozen, etc; truely amazing little gobies. It for sure is a waiting game though to get them if you are really set on buying one or two.

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