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10 gallon modified jaubert method tank


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i am going to be making a 10 gallon jaubert method tank using a modified filtration system to make it only 1 tank as opposed to a tank and canister. it will flow from a cup with nitrification media into a sponge which i will squeeze daily to release biofilm through a pipe with holes in the sides which the holes go into a plenum and it pressurizes and goes up through 20 lb of crushed coral 5-10 lb being garf grunge then back out into the display tank possibly id add a aquaclear 30 if a 95 gph pump in my upflow cryptic refugium (not anerobic i think.) would be insufficent. i am going to put 5 gallons of hardscape inside so i can qualify for a 5 gallon contest.


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M. Tournesol
19 hours ago, filefishfinatic said:

i am going to put 5 gallons of hardscape inside so i can qualify for a 5 gallon contest.

Stop making plans about the contest before anything is decided. we don't even know if the volume will be 5 gallons.
furthermore, for your tank to qualify, it must be started at the start of 2022.

30 minutes ago, filefishfinatic said:



what is your question?

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i want a sea apple but i dont want the holothurin toxcicity. currently my stock plan contains court jester goby, talbot damsel and im considering what else though. for invertibrates i want a mixture of different sponges, possibly some non photosynthetic corals in the shaded zones, a flame scallop, some leather corals, colt coral, parazoanthus, feather dusters, POSSIBLY a crinoid if i can find a small species.

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