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My Lifegard 9.98g.


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Started a new build, hope you guys enjoy the progress. I'm not new to the marine reef world, but it has been awhile since I've had a tank. I went from a 58G, Biocube 14 to a Fluval spec V, which I both retired about 4 years ago. Since covid, I've been having a lot more free time and wanted to step back into the hobby. There's been lots of new things since I've been gone so I decided on a parts list and went at it! So I decided to go with a Lifegard AIO since this will be in my room so I can closely monitor the tank. This tank will host a couple of tank mates along with lots of softies. I might step into the SPS world once it is established but we will see. Specs are below and a picture of it cycling with Tim's one and only with ammonia dosing. 


If you have any questions, comments, or advice feel free to post! 


Lifegard 9.98G AIO

AI Prime 13

Intank Media Rack

Hydor 50w heater

Hygger Mini Wavemaker



Coming soon:


Smartaqua ATO

Intank Surface Skimmer

Innovative Marine Screen Lid

*Possibly a Bubble Magnus QQ1

*Maybe the Intank Filtration Cover, deciding if I like that look or not.


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  • 2 weeks later...

New update: Tank has cycled thanks to Dr Tim's one and only in addition to some ammonia dosing. Most of the changes has happened is with the equipment area. I added a autoaqua ATO which actually works great, and I love how small it is. I also added a intank surface skimmer to keep the water level the same in conjunction with the ato keeping my salinity and water level perfect! Next new addition was a Sicce syncra nano pump to replace the stock pump from Lifegard, this by far is the one that made me go back to being sane. The stock pump was so loud and it would randomly vibrate due to me not using a sponge in the last chamber. It drove me crazy because it was very close to my head when I'm trying to sleep. That's all for the equipment change besides getting a bunch of different supplies for maintenance to make my life easier. 


I also did purchase a BRS 75GPD RO/DI since I've been using my LFS for water. Let me say that I was really surprised that their RO/DI was at 60 TDS. It was very concerning to a point where I will be finding a different one for my future life stock needs. If they don't take care of their water what makes them care about their aquariums? 


New livestock: Also you could tell that there's actually some live stock now, which I'm mostly enjoying a lot. There's two little percula clowns that I saved from Petco since they had a sale. And they were just the right size for my tank. I didn't quarantine them since they were the first to enter the tank. A few days after I got a mini CUC with two hermits and two snails. Then just a few days ago I added some corals, the pictures are terrible, but don't worry I'll be getting my camera set up soon to get better shots. I decided that the left side will be a euphyllia garden while the right will be for the zoa garden. The middle will be the host of some hardy sps to keep it full array of corals, I might even throw some acans on the sandbed! I do want a show piece duncan somewhere but hopefully they don't have a chemical warfare with anyone. 


Problem: Now my only current problem will be this diatom outbreak I have. I think I need more of a CUC to keep it under control. And my next plan will be for a dosing system, this is where I'm newest with the hobby. If anyone has any tips it'll be greatly appreciated! Dosing is just to keep it steady along with my bi weekly 25% water changes. 


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