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Stock for Red Sea reefer 250

Xj reefing

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Xj reefing

I am very close to upgrading my 20 gallon tank to a rsr 250 and I would like to plan what fish I will and could have so I can make sure I create the best environment for them. please tell me if my stock list is good and feel free to suggest fish that u think would work. I will be using a aqua one g216 skimmer for a little bit but I will upgrade skimmers in a few months. 

Stock list so far

2 clowns

1 bicolour blenny

1 purple fire fish 

3 chromis

1 yellow coris wrasse

1 bristle tooth tang

1 lawnmower blenny


would the tang work long term? If not I will just get a flasher wrasse instead. My next question is if both blennys are added at the same time could they co exist in a rsr 250? Finally what are your thoughts on this list and what are some fish that you think would be great in a tank this size?



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  • 2 weeks later...
Xj reefing

So a i have a slightly different fish list


2 clowns

1 bicolour blenny

3 chromis

1 yellow coris wrasse

1 carpenters flasher wrasse


i would like to get a tiny baby blue tang but I don’t know how long it would take until I have to rehome it.

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Honestly I wouldn't get the tang in the reefer 250 It's still a small tank. You'll grow attached to it and not want to get rid. My scopas is already getting to big for my 90g, I dread trying to catch him as the can swim very fast, a single flick of the tail gets it from the left to right side of the tank in far less time than I can react...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/11/2021 at 5:04 AM, Xj reefing said:

How long could I keep a blue eye kole tang in one for going off that it is around 3 inches when I get it?

Don’t do it. I tried two koles (not at the same time) and both turned into assholes and harassed other fish. Mine is a 4 foot tank. I tried two as I figure I got unlucky with the first. Nope, they both were jerks. 


Tangs can he real asshats and made worse in small spaces. 

Have you considered a dwarf angel instead? While they are still semi aggressive… they can fit in that space. A coral beauty or Pygmy added last perhaps. 

I also think chromis are a waste of time. They sometimes pick on each other, don’t really school in our tanks and are prone to uronema which can never be removed from a tank once introduced. 

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1 hour ago, Tamberav said:

Don’t do it. I tried two koles (not at the same time) and both turned into assholes and harassed other fish. Mine is a 4 foot tank. I tried two as I figure I got unlucky with the first. Nope, they both were jerks. 


Tangs can he real asshats and made worse in small spaces. 

Have you considered a dwarf angel instead? While they are still semi aggressive… they can fit in that space. A coral beauty or Pygmy added last perhaps. 

I also think chromis are a waste of time. They sometimes pick on each other, don’t really school in our tanks and are prone to uronema which can never be removed from a tank once introduced. 

Fully agree.. 


Not about chromis though.. amazing little dudes.. I have 5 kept schooling by a dusky wrasse... Not that he wants to eat them rather is likes to swim with the other fish.. 

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Some other suggestions: 


  • Midas blenny instead of lawnmower or bicolor - gold is better than brown
  • Royal Gramma - hardy and colorful
  • Longnose hawkfish - unique looking fish

People will say no tangs but IMO you can get away with a small tomini.  


I wouldn't risk a dwarf angel.  Will most likely nip.

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3 hours ago, Xj reefing said:

Instead of getting 3 chromis I am interested in a harem of carpenters flasher wrasse. Would this work with 1 male and 2 females?

With flashers they all eventually end up male. Females are also really difficult to find. 


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3 hours ago, Xj reefing said:

Instead of 3 chromis could I get a trio of dispar anthias or even just a single? 


how about a single fathead anthia/sunburst anthia? They do well in smaller spaces and as singles. 



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Clownfish king
2 hours ago, Xj reefing said:

Those are a bit out of my budget. Are there any other small species that would work?

Clown gobys. They are cool. 

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3 hours ago, Xj reefing said:

Those are a bit out of my budget. Are there any other small species that would work?

Well I figured one sunburst is the same cost as 3 dispars 😛


Sunburst behave different and prefer to be kept as singles or pairs and are not neurotically active. Very good nano fish. 


Resplendent anthia's get about 3 inches but are more active then a sunburst. Feed a few times a day. 


Keep in mind anthias are basically prone to every type of disease and infection. You may get lucky but you also may go through a few to get a healthy one. I mention this since budget is a concern. 


Don't expect them to school/shoal 🙂 





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46 minutes ago, Xj reefing said:

I was originally looking at chromis but I don’t want them to kill each other of so I started looking into different species of fish that are not shy and active.

Well I am partial to wrasses so I would just be putting as many as I could safely fit lol 😄 


Dwarf angel and springer damsel are others I like that are active fish. 

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