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Top Shelf Aquatics

What did I get on this piece of rock?


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Today I went to LFS after work and bought a tiny goby, small turbo snail and this piece of rock (see pictures) with what should be green Clavularia (it was closed when I bought it), but now it started opening up and it's white.

Can anyone confirm what it actually is? Also what is that red thing on the side of the rock? And that orange thing on top? I hope you can enlarge the photos. If not I will try to get closer shots.






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If its comming up from a defined mat it could be an encrusting gorgonia mine look like that sometimes when its unhappy. Kinda hard to tell with out a close up of the base but to me it looks more mat like than what my cloves used to make.

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Red and yellow things are sponges. Yellow one looks like a yellow ball sponge with some detritus or algae on it. That bit to the right on the rock that's poking out looks very mat like to me. Theres a good bit of algae on it. If its slightly leathery/rubbery and not hard or brittle to touch on the base mat I would say encrusting gorg.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pipe Organ Coral....the fuzzy algae are obscuring some of the hard skeleton.



Unless the purple layer is SOFT in which case it looks like Star Polyps.


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