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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My new 14Gallon tank

Dr. Saltwater

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Dr. Saltwater

Hi all,


I'm starting a new 14 Gallon tank with a 2,5 Gallon sump behind my tank. These pictures show you my tank filled with Tap water and Iodine-Salt (Used for food ... ). I only do this to clean everything away for 2 days.


I'm trying to work away al my equipement:



My equipement for now:



Total shot:



I'm placing more light in the future and a small HOB-filter. Hope you like the pictures for so far.



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Dr. Saltwater
Originally posted by BelowH2O

what type of tank is that? The rounded frame looks really cool! Keep us updated.




It is a Bioplast-tank ... European I guess ...


Here another Shot:


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Dr. Saltwater
Originally posted by coral reef

interesting type of tank you have there where did ya get it or what i am trying to say is can i find it somewere on my computer


I can't find a site! I'm sorry. I'm from the Netherlands and I bought this tank in Germany in a LFS. It has a built-in filter also.


I'll keep you updated and ask around for the tank online!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Dr. Saltwater



Working on my background ... it isn't ready yet, but coming in nice and easy :P :








* Don't watch my dirty front window please :P

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Blind Tree Frog

I saw a premade reef like that at the fish store (only it was much smaller and to sit on the bottom... and black. Was an interesting idea.

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that's got a lot of potential, i've been trying to figure out how i could adapt that to one of my tanks. where is your filtration going to come from?

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yeah i noticed that too, but it's still od to see a peice of rock that big... and it has been cut out lik a block on the sides and back...

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You've still got to have something to introduce the coraline algeas and what not... garf grung from garf.org or just a few peices of live rock from a friend's established tank would do fine... i think it's a greak idea... i think it would be nicer if you could get the peice in there flush with the walls of the tank, so that it actually looks like you took a chunk off of a natural reef...


Looks Amazing as is though!!! maybe get some LR rubble as the substrate... that would seed the wall aswell and continue the "Reef-Chunk" look too...

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Dr. Saltwater



like I said ... I'm still working on it.


The reason why I use a pre-made background that is ceramic and not LiveRock is to give my bacteria/Micro-organisms a bigger surface to expand.

I will use LiveRock ... that's one thing my tank can't work without! The only thing I have to make sure of is that my bacteria/Micro-organisms grow fast enough to cover the background ... but that's just a matter of polluting the tank a little bit.


I don't use a filter, only filterwats whitch I only use one week and than stop one week. My main filter is my LiveRock in the future and ofcourse my skimmer (Berlin-Method).


I'll keep you updated! I'm far away from ready ;)


Thanks for the reply's and sorry for my bad English!

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Hi Dr. Saltwater,


Im from antwerp in belgium. Your tank is looking real nice. Why don't you post your expieriences on www.zeewaterforum.org ? I'm sure you'll get some good feedback there also.

I've just started out a nano myself to. But I allready had a bigger tank. I havent posted my pics here yet (UhOooh:blush: ), but i have posted them on the zeewaterfrum.org. Take a look there, my thread is called Opstarten Nano-reef;) .

But for the rest of you guys who don't speak dutch, ill make a thread and post my pics so far.


GreetzZ From antwerp.;)

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Dr. Saltwater

Hi MrStoffel/CrazyJoker,


thnx for the compliment to my tank!


I've got a hard head if it comes to feedback on my tank. On the forum you gave the link of are only people with experiance in bigger tanks and that's a world of difference with a nano-reef in my opinion. I know there are a few with Nano-reefs ... :)


I've seen your tank and it looks beautiful ... only the lightning is a problem in my opinion.


I hope we can trade out frags to each other in the future :)!!


I'll keep you updated here

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Dr. Saltwater



I'm still working on my background ... but I have a few plans for the future of my little tank but I don't know if it would work so I want to show you guys.


First of all I want to say that I'm going to keep the less dificult corals so I can see how everything grows in the tank. If I step into SPS corals and more difficult stuff I would like to do this (* forgive me for the Dutch words ... Hope you understand the picture *):


*EDIT by myself*

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Do you think you may have a problem with the one pump in your refugium? I was going to set up a sump similar to that using a suck/blow method with two pumps, but later found out that no two pumps are exactly made identical, even a variance of .1gph between pumps would cause a problem.


I guess I would just make sure that the main pump sitting in the sump to be at a higher GPH/LPF than the pump that pushes water into the refuge and the pump that pushes out, so you dont overflow..

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