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Coral Vue Hydros

WTB very specific acan lord


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Alright, so I got this really nice acan lord at my LFS. They had a small frag, and one big colony. I then proceeded to have a salinity drop in my tank due to a leak, which this acan very much did not like. It hung on for awhile despite massive tissue loss, and seemed to be recovering for a bit, then just gave up the ghost. I'd like to try again with it, if I can find some. Has anyone ever seen this stuff for sale, anywhere? 


....now that I look at it, this isn't an echinata, is it? The LFS guy said it was a lord, but the texture... hm. 

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Its classified as a Micro now lol. But yes that is a lord. Distinct individual polyps and fluffy.  


 Places that sell Acan's email them and are if they have something similar or the same: 










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