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3gallon nano setup


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about 1 month old


2 pieces of liverock, livesand and aquarium gravel




one hermit

2 stars

pulsing xenia


one ocellaris (male)


some pics:








tell me what you think...

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could it be that the xenia hosts the clown? and what does the clown eat? i have lots of small pods in there...


one more question: should i remove the gravel and fill in more sand?


thanks in advance, martin

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I'm pretty sure that clowns don't really go after pods...I feed mine prime reef flakes and they're big and fat...there is not going to be enough nutrition in the tank for the clown to survive w/o food...


3gallons is a little small for a clown. He will be getting bigger....

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ok, list of equipment:



2x T5 6w 10k light


1x eheim mini filter (450 liters/hour)


1x minipowerhead (350 liters/hour) - will be removed soon, to much watermovement...



i now think it actually is an ocellaris but it has a different colour.. like one stripe is not full... dont know... maybe someone has an idea...


pics will come soon, have to get the cam ready...

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the full view of the setup, i already removed the minipowerhead and moved the xenia to another place and rearranged the lr...





here a closer look...




please tell me what you think about it.


will probably add some more soft corals and an anemone tomorrow

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i sort of agree with the its not an occelaris comment


even though there are some that have ireggularstripes it just doesnt look like one to me

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Dr. Saltwater

The tank looks empty, but you can make it a nice one ... try to focus on the corals, not the fish! That will make a difference in my opinion.


Originally posted by Cellenzweig

Why's that?  There are plenty of captive bred ocellaris with broken or abnormal stripes.


It IS indeed a Amphiprion occellaris!!!! It's tank bred for sure and maybe it's grandparents also. If you bread these fish often you'll get abnormal stripes. It can even look like a saddle-back clown (Amphiprion polymnus) only the color is not brown but orange.

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Dr. Saltwater

I've bred them myself ... coming up with the same fish as on the photo ...


The Amphiprion percula doesn't change much in coloration, I've heard ... but I didn't bred those ...




Now to your tank, step by step:


1- Get rid of the Sand you're using at the moment.

It will contain to much dirt/deritus in the future.


2- Place more Live Rock (with very many small holes ;) )

!! LiveRock is the most important filter in Saltwatertanks !! because it contains a lot of usefull bacteria.


3- Get a good clean up crew!

Snails, Hermits etc. ...


4- Place a thin layer of gravel.

Think of Broken Coral Sand that contains Calcium. If used in small quantities it won't fill up with dirt/deritus. It also is a fine bottom for your cleaners ;). First wash it ofcourse.


5- Filter

Try to place a HOB filter where you can place a skimmer of make a Refugium. This will help you take away nitrates that you can't use ofcourse. Why not make this earlier? Because you can change your water often if it get's dirty from the LiveRock, bacteria or the gravel.


Good Luck

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thanks for your advice, i will probably get different sand...


to the idea with more coral and liverock: i have bought another "big" piece today full with soft corals and some soft corals on small stones too, will post pics soon... will add another hermit soon, but cleanup crew is ok atm...

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bought a new piece of LR and some tiny softies...


here are some pics, visit my gallery for higher resolutions...


the full front view:



new piece of LR



some corals i dont know what kind they are... someone please tell me?



what you think?


thanks in advance, martin

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Dr. Saltwater

I still think you should get rid of the sand!


The Yellow polyps on the last picture are Bali Polyps (Parazoanthus sp.).


I Like the LR ! Nice piece w/ mushrooms! I can even see more on it. Green Star Polyps (Clavularia viridis) and more Bali polyps!

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