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hey i was wondering...


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i have heard that i have an "OVERKILL" of lights in my tank. It is a 20g long. Current lighting is a 175 watt MH with a 10k bulb, and 2x36 watt actinics. What do you guys think? Is this an "OVERKILL" of lights? Please tell me what u think...Thanks


Only inhabitants currently are a flowerpot, pearl, yellow polyps, and an ugly lookin damsel...

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Not overkill at all. I dont know why some people consider MH on anything less than a 55 overkill...


I myself am switching to a 400 watt Radium MH for my 20 High. I currently have a 250 watt 15,000 K Xanium running. Looks nice and clams and SPS are very happy but I thought, hey why not upgrade and make a clambed in my reef....? lol

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heh heh, i already have a 400w 20k radium over my 20gH. The color is just . . . ... . :love:


i would stock up on clams but unfortunately there's a clam disease outbreak and most stores lost a bunch of clams, so i'll just wait.

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It could be done tommy. Considering the fact that young clams require good foos than light. Just realize that if its well fed with DTs and other foods...it will outgrow the tank decently fast. If the clam doesnt outgrow it at the longest a 1 1/2 than realize that its not healthy. But yes, the clam can do well in that tank if taken care of properly.

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Oh and also, Hey Nanoreefer53...the 20,000K radium....does it look that blue in real life? I was debating between the xanium 15K or the rauym 20K. I saw your tank on the website and I was looking for a little tint of white crisp color along with the blue...Is the radium just plain look actinic or does it have alittle but of white tint?

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at first it was a pretty deep blue, kinda like actinic with a tiny hint of white. after about a month now with the bulb the color has really changed to a nice combination of blue and white IMO, kinda like 50/50. this is only because i'm running it on a regular 400w ballast. i hear that if u run the radium on an e-ballast or an HQI the color will turn to a white with a hint of blue in about a month.

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Quicksilver5768, I am running the radium on an e-ballast and it is pretty white. But it is still too blue for me. I changed my backround to black and it is a little better. I would say if you like white with a blue hue then you would like it.

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